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Today’s guest is Matt Mooney, Head Grower at Franklin Fields of Michigan. He discusses how he went from a caregiver grow to a commercial grow and how he maintains the massive step up in production on a daily basis.

Do us a favor and go give Franklin Fields a follow on IG and tell them FTS sent ya!

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From The Stash

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From The Stash

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30 thoughts on “How to Go From Caregiver Grow to Commercial Grow – From the Stash Podcast Ep. 68

  1. Thanx y'all for this!
    I grow for myself, and work for myself… But my client base is currently drying up.
    Been thinking of a career change in the horticultural industry.

  2. For some reason the algorithm has taken cltv and pigeons off my list. Since u guys started me and don't know it I'm mad at YouTube. I support you and never want you thinking Dr.ShimLeaf420Flowers don't want u rich. I want you so famous Arnold Schwarzenegger talks about u

  3. Can you guys have an episode on what mental or written checklist of what you check when you open your tent/room. What you inspect daily or on a week by week basis. Love your show. Thank you

  4. I could care less about high THC, I am sick of the cash cropping indicas that finish fast but have zero taste and smell…..I want that sticky, stank, dank that fills a room with the stench of cannabis that lasts for hours…..Chemdog 91 was probably the last thing I had that was like this……anyone know or could suggest any strains I would appreciate it.

  5. another great video, thank you guys
    i wish one day i can grow legally, it's been around 8 years since i started growing, each and every grow i have the stress regarding if the neighbors are going to report me 😀

  6. Now let’s talk about how hard it is to actually get legal permits to grow. Let’s talk about how states like California wants three large producers so they can control from seed to sale. Let’s talk about how the legal market is so flooded in the state that people let complete harvest go to waste. Let’s talk about how the tax is so high that most small growers like him will not make it. Let’s talk about how it takes damn near $1 million to get into the legal market nowadays and be competitive. You guys have a huge following please please do the fucking research!!!!!!!!!!!!! The government wants complete control and they are getting it yet you guys seem to be completely oblivious to it. Trust me when I tell you this if they’re fucking us like this in California the rest of the states are soon to follow. How long do you think it will take before Lume gets so big they put these guys out of business also. He is already talking about switching over to Athena to get the cost down this is exactly why in California every strain at the club taste exactly the same. The legal market is straight up destroying cannabis.

  7. Man I wish there was more places that would actually teach in the commercial setting. I’d rather work hands on and learn then a college course

  8. This motivated me for beyond anyone's limits. Thank you guys. 24 plant count myself and wanting to get into caregiving. Then into commercial. Damn. Thank you guys

  9. This is why I gave up on my dream of owning a grow. You literally lose control to financiers. But sadly I cannot buy flower as good as i can grow and i tried for years. Just wanted others to get to experience incredible medicine like I can but its a horrible system in all states. Legalized cannabis is another form of government over reach into our lives. Deregulation is the key.

  10. Great cast guys and great guess, really enjoyed listening…. yip pigeons got they "Gem's". Just a bummer sitting here in the U K

  11. Great info!
    Organization note – Become familiar with a 'Gantt Chart' (project management charting tool to keep on track of tasks).

  12. Been a dream of mine since leaving the Marines. As a disabled veteran I use this as a medication and I couldn’t support my children without it’s help. Been growing since 2016 and it’s been life changing. 50-60 hour work weeks in construction is not easy. Very thankful for this plant and the amazing people involved in the groundbreaking changes in the industry!

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