A review/giveaway/fan meet up/vlog…..couldnt ask for more
Shoutout to FIVE for making this possible …. make sure to checkout DopeAsYola. com for all info.
So originally when I planned this video I just wanted to do the fan meet yup portion…but halfway through I decided to keep the video going for a few more days. This new FIVE formula is unreal…so stoked for whats to come!!
Thank you all for watching Giving Edibles To Fans : Five
Thank you to https://www.instagram.com/charliedepew/?hl=en for filming
Thank you to https://instagram.com/drastic_graphics?igshid=99attat09m11 for editing
Be sure to follow my other social media accounts for daily pictures , videos and giveaways.
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Good shit
9:20, if my eyes are not deceiving me, is that McLovin?
Is that miklo at 4:43
Jesus, adam & devil? Am I tripoing?
What would be sick would be a dope as yola concert but instead of music it’s a live story time but somewhere legal so as he takes a bowl or dap or edibles the crowd could also be getting high with him
I received my sample buzz gummy today and the blue and red are delicious!
i would love to buy from you do my pain from my knees and back hurt all the time
FIVE gummyies arent bad
You do taste the “weed” a little i guess you can taste something off it’s not the best i will admit
They were nice I had some but they actually helped me sleep good but weired dreams and the munchies
The guy that biked looks like John hill
the 3rd people were 100% underage lmfao
I got some 5/25 and 6 laid me out lol
Kim jong un??
Best YouTube mr frr
Good to see Goblin on the channel.
This video is old but I love watching how happy your fans are to meet you! You're a very cheery and happy person and it speaks through your content! Keep it up homie and everything will C-Alright!
So I can get those gummies shipped to tx?
The camera man need a raise these angles man’s can maneuver
I’d love to meet you if you ever did a meet and greet in Santa Cruz
Yo Thomas Five recently came out with the delta 8 thc gummies and the delta 8 disposable pens. You should do a review vid on them! These full spectrum gummies kickasssss btw
I ate a whole mini 20 pack jar and it did nothing ive drank 100 mg thc tinctures and absolutely nothing but i smoke and im fucking gone
Someday imma meet u mark my words
If you ever gave me anything it would light up my world
where can you find these gummies?
The daily buzz ones are fire asf
What id give to meet this man
You Are A Legend so down to earth
I’m late but I’m tryna get sum
when you ate like 10 gummies at once was probably the most envying and most concerned I've felt before
Commenting for the algorithm
the young man in the tree looks like jim carey
I ordered on the sight but they never asked for proof of age will I get ID'd when it's ship? Just a box to click I was older than 18.
Damn I never got the notification for this vid just seeing it now