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42 thoughts on “Former CIA Spy Argues Government Secrets are a GOOD Thing | Andrew Bustamante

  1. As I watch this, I am asking myself can I even trust what a CIA agent would tell us. Retired or active he is still bound by his relationship to the CIA.

  2. Doesn't the prostitutes wearing suits in offices work for the people that voted for them? Makes no sense.

    Government are the leaders to the people like a parent as the leaders to their kids. The more lies and bullshiits you feed to the people that looks up to you will produce lying people and eventually backfire. Tell your kids the truth! Lies and spoiling them will make them entitled lazy kids in adults bodies.

  3. Lets classify everything under the guise of national security, or not release information due to a current investigation bs. Says every unelected U.S. bureaucrat, over funded agency, and power hunger goon.

    This guy….😂

  4. This guy has a massive superiority complex. The CIA singlehandedly destabilized the Middle East via constant regime change campaigns as far back as the 50's. They destabilized South and Central America and now they are destabilizing the U.S.A. This is Operation Mockingbird in full effect. Now they come right out and tell you. They created the evil in the world by teaching it how to torture, kill and psyop their own people. Look, there is no U.S., China, Russia or any other country anymore. The world is corporations and this guy's job is to protect the corporation. Our rights as citizens are a bumper sticker on this guy's psyop-mobile.

  5. With all due respect, this guy is a clown…..What news agency has a requirement of "equity" news. You divulge what you get. It's that simple…..and Assange (Wikileaks) has reported on Russia, Spain, Canada, and many many more countries….internal "secret documents".

  6. Now we are letting a state make decisions behind closed doors for us by using SECURITY as the way the state legitimizes all the lies that it hides, all the spending of billions of dollars to maintain the military industrial complex by creating this kind of "safety and fear" narrative is just a way for our elected officials to get away with enriching themselves. The government is white washing the American public by using safety and fear. For instance, Do we really need military bases all over the world? For instance, 50,000 troops in Germany. How long ago was world war II over and then the Cold war? We have all these bases all over the world at a cost to the American tax payers in the trillions. All we need to do is bring the troops back to America and focus on America for a while with that money. But no, the military industrial complex likes to have all those bases out there and all those ships patrol in the oceans to enrich themselves by building for the government. This lame excuse of promoting an exorbitant amount of security issues that this guy boost amante's is saying is that we give up that right because we are a State. Not at the level that it's done, it's extremely unecssary and unethical to use fear on the American public to justify lying and hiding things from us.
    No It's not supposed to be like that. We should know everything that are elected Officials are doing behind closed doors my They need to stop pushing this safety narrative on us to legitimize them enriching themselves. So just because we gave up certain bits of our freedom this doesn't make it ok! we still need to know what our government is doing. I don't buy that a state ,or government, can hide certain decisions from the American public by using safety to legitimatamize them. That's not a valid argument. American is democracy where 95% of the government should be transparent in every thing they do. The public should know what their elected officials are doing. Period!

  7. The deep state is compartmentalised, that means that even some in the higher echelons don’t even know some things! So those in the lower ranks don’t know wtf goin on, all just puppets to the rogue machine! 💯😏

  8. I trust this guy more then I trust all the media combined..
    How people can be upset over the US doing the same thing that all our enemies do is kinda laughable..
    hope you tards enjoy being a pawn of our enemies

  9. The CIA is a necessary evil. If humans weren't such a war mongering p.o.s. species, there would be no need for agencies like the CIA. Its human nature to conspire for our best interest and therefore we need these agencies.

  10. What a moron outright. Assange was given US documents. No leaker came to him with documents from another country. Hence the nom symmetry. He can't just magically wave his hand and get state secrets. Props to interviewer here

  11. Bizarre how he describes the pyramid of civilization, with individualism at the bottom and state at the top. The way he justifies the supremacy of the state over individual freedoms, he may as well describe Russia or North Korea.

  12. This guy embodies so well everything that's wrong with CIA. No ethics, no principles, no concern for laws or honesty. It is just them versus the rest and they must win by all means necessary. A truly toxic subculture has emerged within CIA and its eating the nation from within.

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