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Mistake of Law –
DeSabato v. U.S.-
Tex. Pen. Code § 8.03-
Tex. Pen. Code § 42.01-
State v. Ross-
Tex. Pen. Code § 1.07-
Blain v. State-
Hernandez v. State-
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In Australia, an entire state police force used ignorance of the law as a defence after it was discovered that over 1000 public servants for a period of up to four yrs had never actually become police's officers because they had not followed the law/procedure to become one.. so apparently ignorance of the law is acceptable if your a police officer but not if your a citizen… those officers went on to commit 1000's of crimes during that time because they had no powers., but all was forgiven because of ignorance of the law… double standard..
So citizens under the law are expected to know the laws and to all extensions of those laws, even when misinformed by government officials yet those that enforce the laws are not held to the same expectations nor to be responsible for misinforming the citizens. This is up there with the consistent use of the language in many laws and statutes of “a reasonable person” when so often the behavior and actions of law enforcement are not reasonable, but still get excused. The burden of proof and adherence to the law so often falls to those the laws are imposed but not on those that enforce them.
I don’t understand this premise of expecting every citizen to “know and understand the law” when not only is that same expectation, not held for law-enforcement officers, but frequently is open to interpretation by a court and can’t be known in advance. Especially in the case of obscure laws that people don’t encounter in day-to-day life.
It's all about context. If he was doing this with with a crew of fellow pranksters for a TV show it would probably be okay. I've seen a lot pranks/punking on supposedly humorous TV shows. But you never see the victims who didn't find the pranks funny. In fact one prank video I recently saw on tv had actors dressed as cops. Not funny. I think the police should have given "Michael Meyers" advice and gone back on duty to deal with other calls for service. Been times I've called the law where I live and been told ,"we have no units available".
I unintentionally scared the hell out of ppl when I worked security, mostly on midnight shifts, and had the police called on me. (A business next to the one i was protecting had busted sprinklers, so I approached the first employee arriving to work there to notify them of the damage. It was before sunrise. I was in uniform but the driver started her vehicle and fled. I thought that was suspicious. Shreveport PD soon arrived to check on a suspicious person – me. I was checked and the officer said the lady didn't see my uniform but even if she had there had been incidents with police impersonators)
Also, with evey mass shooting the media feeds paranoia. And it's hypocritical because the same networks entertainment branches feed their viewers graphic violence, blood and guts.
I don't think an attorney, in his rite mind should have pulled a stunt like that, knowing he could have scared the heck out of alot of people, I know even though he was in Texas, in this day and age. People are on gard most of the time
When he was six years old that dude murdered his eldest sister Judith Myers and commited tons of brutal murders after he escaped from the mental asylum and those cops just let him walk free after they had him in custody .. that is a total travesty of justice
I think these cops had good intentions.
Yes, they didn't understand the nuance of the law but then…thats why we have lawyers.
I feel like they treated him with respect and fairly….and I think one of the reasons for this is that the attorney was polite and reasonable and not a total dick to them.
Yes have to admit that they get a C for knowledge of the law (but its not unreasonable) but I think they get an A otherwise.
I do think that expecting cops to have a perfect knowledge of the law (that lawyers go to school for years to obtain and STILL need to do research for specific cases….as do judges) is not reasonable.
But then… I think the part of the law that says citizens SHOULD have absolute knowledge of the law and not having a lawyers or judges understanding and grasp of the law is no excuse is total b.s….but it has to be that way otherwise everyone would simply claim ignorance of the law to get out of responsibility.
When did the world become so humorless
Hey this is my city. What a shitty rainy day this was. The waves were big though
You’d think it would be almost a form of entrapment for a police officer to give someone wrong information about what is legal and what isn’t- since what they tell you would likely directly influence your decision to either do that thing or not…
Well.. lets be honest here.. the attorney hoped for police to show up all along.. thats why he did it.
All the officers should get fire all Breaking the Law okay
As someone who regularly walks with a bloody knife this upsets me.
Texas law is a mess unconditional
Can’t really blame police for responding to “masked man with bloody knife” seeing said “masked man with bloody knife” and assuming he committed a crime with said “bloody knife”
Bloody knife is the problem here. Fake or not.
Cops can be so stupid.
No common sense here.
If all people are expected to know all laws, then why do lawyers exist?
I am confused. So ALL people are expected to know the law, but then why do police routinely get away with not knowing the law. They are people right?
If you are a lawyer, they show respect
Under this explanation anything that "COULD" cause death can be considered a deadly weapon. That means a handful of beach sand could be considered a deadly weapon if you shoved it down someone's throat and suffocated them. Or a match if you lit someone on
. Anything a person picks up could conceivably kill another. This is ridiculous. The government continuely make laws that the police can use against the People. When are they going to make laws that protect the People from corrupt and law ignorant police?
I don't think a court would conclude his intent was to cause alarm considering he is ON THE BEACH BEFORE A HURRICANE HITS. I'm sure in his mind, he's thinking "Who the hell will even see me?"
It's crazy how civilians are expected to know the law, but they give all kinds of leeway to cops.
Police pick body cams with shitty microphones on purpose.
Halloween Day. Westwood California late 1990's. I get out of my vehicle and this beat up pickup truck screeches to a halt and 3 or 4 guys dressed up like the killer in THE CHAINSAW MASSACRE hop out of their truck AND START THEIR CHAIN SAWS and start walking slowly towards me. They get about five feet from me and yell "HAPPY HALLOWEEN" and they break into laughter and hop back into the pick up. I looked real close at the chain saws had no chains on them — yikes. Only harm?? One pair of underwear…lol…
…how are folks supposed to know the LAW S when it is not teach at all in highschool?
Wonder how many hours /days /weeks /months that is? Exception to officers….
Is there any school course for educating on fondamental laws for average citizen?
From a distance… I would have pointed a gun at that dude if he were walking toward me, Halloween or not. Especially after watching a bunch of scary movies with my kids. Once they knew the situation, there wasn't any reason to arrest him though.
I can totally see someone calling this and we live in an era where 9-year-olds shoot up schools. lot of the times cops do bother people but I mean this is ridiculous there's no sense in provoking the police
Nobody can predict what will frighten another person. All the guns carried around in the state of Texas scare me, but no one gets arrested for it.
These videos would be SO less annoying without the legal pauses. After two or three videos its all repetition. Just link in the comments and keep it out of the videos.
The United States arrests more people than all the other countries in the world combined. Land of the free.
If I were an attorney, I would be making a living suing police departments all over the place by setting them up so they could trample on my civil rights. And that’s how I would make a living.
Has anyone in the comments actually encountered a masked person with a (fake) knife in public before? I did a few months ago. My survival instinct went 0-100, until I could assess it was actually a costume and the person had no ill intent. It’s a stupid game this attorney is playing, if these are the type of reactions he is garnering from others. How am I supposed to know the knife is fake, and he is not crazy, when I cannot see his face or touch the knife? Just dumb and dangerous.