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No Jumper
InAbuse, Boo, Boo Johnson apple monkey, Boo Johnson interview, Boo Johnson lil wayne, Boo Johnson no jumper, Boo Johnson podcast, Boo Johnson pro skater, Boo Johnson skateboarding, Boo Johnson trell, Boo Johnson trevor, Boo Johnson venice beach, Johnson, Jumper, Modeling, Selling, Skating, Substance
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Drop more kendama boo! They’re all sold out!
Does Boo still manage that skate shop?
I swear to God Boo and Wiz Khalifa are long lost half-brothers yo. Tell me they don't got the same voice, mannerisms, attitude, damn near personality!
Both mad humble, both mad weed headed.
It's crazy they almost the same kinda dudes
This the coolest dude.
Y’all should’ve had yuri on this hoe
Boo J is the man
i chilled with Boo at a Zumiez 100k and he was 100% what he preaches . Very very humble . I got you BOO !ill sell the shit out ya stuff at Zumiez as a manager ill make it priority ! We got yall at ya local Zumiez !!! Also run my own coffee shop so the hustle never stops !
He's Skateboarding's finest !!! glad to see this channel turning up !
I respect this guy so humble.
Love this
didn’t sell out…. he just went pro
Best one so far
man boo j is sooo cool
A lot of dirt bike riding on top of skateboarding being in the desert tarantulas funny looking f**** Chevy Silverados sitting like desert trucks like desert racers a lot of my homies had some rice rockets too so Mexican fools I knew
A lot of gangster s*** came out of tehachapi I remember my my homie PJ Mahoney who had a lot right across from McDonald's and he wouldn't even settle for 1.7 Mill
And even that bar was iconic I can't remember what it was it was by the wild Rose
You like the same from like when you were 10 years it's amazing you came up out of that place remember Jesus the guy that rode the bike the 10 speed with bare feet who was a karate master he was a s*** hella fun to drink with
Sorry your older brother was a s*** he was a great skater like he should have kept skating he would have made it
I remember when I dropped you guys off at your house I was white older and I had to drop you off a block away cuz your dad was such a f**** g tehachapi crazy times
Are you kidding me don't you remember those Dustin no schools and I told you if you did that trick off the six there at the attachment Park and I'll just give them to you and I did I think you know yet maybe maybe flipped it can't remember Crystal bastian's friend Jeff bastion my boss Cindy Bastian the girl you guys hung out with and your brother was hella cool he was hella good at skating
Why do people come to Bakersfield to do thug shit. This why I gotta leave this crack head town
Let’s go Boo! Positive mindset
Dude is all over IG, salute to him
Hit me up and we should f**** get together and skate and bring your brother dude your brother was hella funny and he was hella good at skating too what happened to him anyway I still skate age 43 got two kids my son's kids hella good natural Mac he's probably going to be better than me and yeah I can still f**** switch pop f**** all the out of that s*** dude cuz I'm Savage
Do you remember that time when I bet you my shoes just to motivate you to nolie kick flip that six stair at the tehachapi skate park there were no school Dustin Dolan's with no souls in them I remember giving you guys a ride home and your brother saying no you can't pull up to the house because you're white Good times Jeff Baistain could be wrong I don't know how to spell it I was Crystal's roommate I remember your older brother telling me did you just pop out of a smith
10 second son and the guy your interviewing with boo is bullshit I know you got good vibe you're a very soulful spiritual person good for you keep up that work
Fun fact. Boos dad laviel robbed my dad when I was 7 years old. He held a gun to my head and threated to shoot me if my dad didn’t give him 10 grand. Laviel and moe, I’ll never forget that. Me and boo are both from tehachapi California, if you know you know.
Boo hoo man
Flakkos first sponsor 
They got my boi Boo Johnson. I remember when his blood money skate video part first came out
came a long way
Let’s go bacc to when your dad was a gangster and he was running Lancaster
Great stuff
T Rell needs to pay more attention, within the first 15 minutes he asked Boo like 3 questions that he already answered. Smh
What?!?! This is dope
Ran into bro at Art Basel a couple times…cool talented dude
Boss man let’s gooo!!
Niggas pick up boards because of NO COACHES
Boo that nigga frfr. Great interview fr. Trell did his thugdizzle on the questions and trev seems relaxed on the mic.
Boo always resembled Wiz Khalifa to me
Dope shix
Lfg Boo J
mainey how trell knows lizard king….. wow