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A continued look at what’s going on in AI. This time we take a look at everything from AutoGPT and a fake AI Drake to AI art and copyright law.

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26 thoughts on “AI is Evolving Faster Than You Think Pt. 2 (Art and Beyond)

  1. My elderly grandparents were scammed by scammers out of most of their life savings with a scam where they said their granddaughter (my sister, they got the name wrong even) was in trouble and was going to be deported to another country if they weren't paid a huge sum.

    At the time a simple phone call would have proved this a scam, but they were old and not capable of quick thinking any longer.

    Imagine how easy scammers could create an audio recording, picture, video to confirm their lying scam.

  2. Artists are pretentious and I say that as an artist. Everyone wants to think that their mediocre devian art is unique and special but it isn't.

  3. The problem with democratization of art is the same as music/software/movies should be free as long as it's transmitted digitally. The reasoning behind it doesn't make sense. If these were hard copies and taken out of someone else homes or from a store, even the staunch supporters of the "free" movement would change their stance. The same people who wanted music to be free online during the napster/digital music debacle would also instantly be against someone coming into their homes and taking their things. If things are meant to be free then why would you be opposed to someone else taking your property?

  4. In the existing Capitalistic models, from the most democratic to the most authoritarian, AI is replacing human participation as it is more economical to do so, examples of this are rampant and multiplying. This is a self-serving model for the few who may wish to live in their Brave New World of orgy-porgy; their world, not our world where harsh reality abides. Ai is neither bad nor good but its potential to be either is great.

  5. Wonderful video!!! As a writer/artist I am afraid of what AI art will do to human creators, but its coming and I want to learn from it. Without taking my essence from my art, I wonder how can I use it as a tool

  6. AI can never exist without OUR input. We are the creative ones coming up with new ideas, while AI listens and attempts to think the creativity we prompted it to make. – Me

  7. i'm swayed to the argument that AI using datasets that are copyrighted is infringement, it was unethical to build trained models on copyrighted works. i was previously sure that it didn't matter, because humans are "trained" by all the copyrighted work they see, but humans are so limited in their output, even if someone could productively commit 24/7 to making artwork from the training data and the thousands of prompts, they would never meet perhaps even a single percent of what a tensorfarm could do.

    the AI would never have progressed as fast if the training data was limited to public domain or free use works. it would not be cost effective to use it over human artists for at least a few more years, if not a decade or more.

    but i still believe that the AI deserves attribution, despite its inhumanity, i think the entire dataset is to be credited too. if an AI artwork is to be made, it shall be free, undecided if that holds if it is made with copyrighted datasets, but even free AI art used for profit is at least in a grey area, unethical.

    Artists deserve their skills to be profitable, for them to be chosen to do art. AI is to be only a marvel of engineering. what they create is art, but it is not of any one artist's ownership.

  8. So, no! I don't agree with this person at 13min, with all the drama. I mean, isn't art also done tu fulfill your inner self? If its all about the money argument, many jobs are in the same position, and a societal transformation will have to deal with this. But the innermost sacred part about art should not be about making the bucks, but about self-realization and existencial fulfillment… At least in my opinion.

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