The 1970s had a style all of it’s own and many of the items found in homes can no longer be seen in them. Let’s take a tour and see 1970s things found in every home.
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I had those bold yellow flower couches and this was 1991 lol. I was 19 my first apt. I couldn't afford a nice one I got it from Goodwill. I also had that light. Alot of things on here still around in the 90s
I can’t stand these colors. So tacky.
Heuga tiles, mother had brown and yellow laid in a che qeured pattern in both her kitchen and breakfast room. If they needed spot cleaning she would pull them up, clean them and put them back in place. 3 in 1 entertainment unit, tv, record player and radio
I was 10 years old in 1973.
The two chairs in the thumbnail are currently sitting in my mom's living room. It hasn't changed since 1973. Finally last year she let me remodel the harvest gold bathroom she had. There's still wallpaper in the hallway with a felt design on it. Oh and let's not forget the avocado green kitchen. She finally got rid of that in 2005
Thank GOD we are now in the year 2023
If you lived in Ireland or the UK, you would remember the dreadful bathroom suite colours from around that time. examples: avacado-green / primrose-yellow/ shell pink / sky blue / turquoise / pampas-green / among others.. this carried on well into the 90s at which point they all went back to white.
Forty years from now "blue jean shorts will find their way on a whole new list of gone but not forgotten.
Still have albums I’m so old fashioned and have colonial wood dining room
Omg loved station wagons with all kids piled in for vacations
I have a rotary
Also brick and natural cherry wood work
One of my rooms still has paneling
The best ever!
I think in the 70's technology hit the perfect balance in human life, not too primitive, but not dominating every aspect of your life.
It was just plain better for so many reasons
everything was about living and music
a much more entertaining time than today.
I love that 70s style.
This stuff was big in the 1960's. Get your facts straight.
The background music in this video is awesome! Especially the track that starts at 4:31 and lasts till 6:46! So uplifting!
Can I please know the name of the track?
Phones were great, you could really slam the phone down on your girlfriend or boyfriend.
I'm glad I was a kid growing up then!
I still use crochet blankets to decorate my sofa
made with love by mom 
I got married in ‘69, we decorated our new apartment just like that….orange and avocado green everywhere. We had the copper colored appliances. Orange shag rug, indoor/outdoor green carpet in the kitchen too, very in. The living room had the Spanish Mediterranean team, smoked glass mirror wall. The one thing I didn’t see in the video was a lava lamp. We got it for a wedding gift…..I hated that nasty thing.
Everything was a shade of brown in the 70’s!!!
I remember that ugly wallpaper we had in those days. Our was green, also we had a green fake leather sofa, funny to see that again.
Customized vans, waterbeds and mirrored ceilings.
I love the 70s style. I would love to have a conversation pit!
Were alot of these items made in China then?
5:50 "Apparently people in the 1970's just enjoyed cleaning more things."
I miss big old wooden stereos and vinyls.
1970s style A BAD Car CRASH
Bean bag chairs
Lava light