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Slipknot vocalist Corey Taylor speaks about ‘Look Outside Your Window’, produced by members of the band while working on their album ‘All Hope is Gone’. Slipknot recently released their new album ‘The End, So Far’.

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46 thoughts on “Why Corey Taylor Hopes Slipknot’s ‘Look Outside Your Window’ is Never Released

  1. Outstanding Tactics.
    Big sales upcoming,
    And now there is a Cory Foundation…
    Very cool.
    We Trust you will keep the CLINTON Foundation Separate ya?
    Wow dem bois sure took over yeh?
    WELL DONE!!!!!

  2. I have no idea or clue how I can even put it delicately & politely. Some of their fan base forgot exactly where they came from. Could've been some really good intoxicating substances out there lately but no joke some of the fan base forgot where they came from. Also forgot about the other 8 in the band as well and 9 altogether and then it was is will always be the 9. Seriously I don't know myself but I think it's really some exceptional good intoxicating substances that are going around right now that causes drama & social glitches in the fan base now. Personally I like the song Spiders. But not the entire fan base agrees. If it is like the song Spiders I guarantee I will get the biggest kick out of it and buy the vinyl album and then a quality turntable stereo system to play it on repeat until I have to buy another album of it. I love the song Spiders. I really don't know what happened to taking musical departures from time to time but the fan base just really doesn't get it.

  3. The self titled and Iowa were amazing, vol 3 had some good points but all hope is gone and everything after we're all weak as hell, super main stream, super poppy. It just sucks cuz if Paul and Joey were still alive I bet things would be much different

  4. Why do i get the feeling that when Corey says he's gonna "make sure clown gets all that credit' he's pretty much saying 'If you don't like it, blame clown!'

  5. Depois do que escutei no the end so far e em bone church eu estou muito entusiasmado com esse look outside your window, quero muito ouvir, espero que seja lançado!
    Eu adoro o psicodelismo do slipknot, e se é semelhante ao radiohead então está irado!

  6. I hate how they claim they are singing Gods music. It's an insult to the person who they took their lyrics from. Cause that dude, doesn't give a shit about their opinion of God. Why? Cause THAT DUDE has only one rule…Never trust in a God whose philosophy comes from the tongue of man.

  7. Why does Corey think most Slipknot fans won’t accept or dig the album? All big Slipknot fans I know, are into both the heavy tracks and the slow melancholy vibe tracks.

    There are still your casual fans that are only looking for heavy “traditional” Slipknot sound. But they aren’t the ones looking to buy full albums anyways.

  8. So, what he is doing is talking about this album, creating buzz and demand for it. Which means he hopes it does get released, but it doesn't sound like Slipknot, so to offset the negative reaction, he is giving us warning. If he didn't want it to be released, he wouldn't talk about it at all and throw it away. He knows it sucks, but he's in it to make money.

  9. Slipknots secret weapons were Paul Grey, Joey and clown… Due to unfortunate circumstances that will never happen again. Age also had a bearing on the music…. I love slipknot and will do till I die but with the new line-up the new music sounds rushed and unloved by the members

  10. TBH, I think Clowny should hire a better singer, Corey ain't that great, and he talks too much instead of singing, having heart to hearts with the crowd like he's their dad. I think he might be drunk while performing, rambling on like that. He's almost as bad as Bruce Dickinson, who just cannot zip it for 5 seconds.

  11. Release the record, it's not like it wouldn't be weaker than the last two albums. Going back through their albums on my playlist I noticed that I have their first three albums in their entirety, a majority of AHIG minus a song or two, maybe three or four off of GC, one off of WANYK, and none from the latest effort. They're not a band anymore, just a business, and it seems like that ended when Paul passed away.

  12. Shawn is the reason I started listening to Slipknot and sadly the reason I said fuck Slipknot. “Clown” is definitely a fitting title.

  13. Sign me up, wasn’t really a fan of the new one but it had some very interesting tracks, even the ones I didn’t like. They always experimented with different sounds even back in the MFKR days. Even if I don’t like it I know it’ll be someone else’s favorite album

  14. If these songs were on the cutting room floor they should probably stay there. There must be a reason more bands don't release B side albums. I don't know… I really didn't like the new album but loved the previous one…

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