Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and Silvergate bank have all collapsed throwing up a warning signs that something horrible is happening in the economy. But what’s the truth here? This is a story of incompetence, a changing economic environment and political lobbying.
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Producer: Dagogo Altraide
Researched by: Ruslan Pushkar
Edited by: Tanzim Uddin, Dagogo Altraide
Executive Producer: Tawsif Akkas
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up in flames? so did the building burn down?
Snobby MBA management types forced to eat some humble pie. I love it man.
Cold fusion showed that top riches like Bill Ackman mind more than just their business. It's great it mentioned SVB management were in the SF fed. Another heavy weigh, Bill Ackerman (mentioned here) is on the board of the SF fed.
The fed sets rates based on many more interests than only inflation and unemployment.
A quicker but equally informative with an extra take stance on this case comes from the Better Bachelor channel. It doesn't focus on news, and being a red piller is too much for most of the audience here, which is all the ore reason to recommend it. Challenge your views for once.
I still can't understand how a big bank like SVB didn't have a risk manager for 8 months! 8 months!
I don't understand how hidenburg didn't report any of this but made adani a scapegoat just to short and earn
It's amazing as to how certain channels can label large Asian corporate firms as a scandal based purely on some hineous report by an American insitution whose credibility is nothing but negative, and the same channels fail to not only cover but also to mention the fallout in those countries because of the incompetencies of these American firms.
hearing dagogo say "he was promptly yeeted from the board" in a complete deadpan voice made my night
Investing in alternative income streams that are independent of the government should be the top priority for everyone right now. especially given the global economic crisis we are currently experiencing. Stocks, gold, silver, and virtual currencies are still attractive investments at the moment…
Of course! Bank failure, Silicone Valley. Who would have thought. Sarcasm.
Biden will bail them out with his worthless inflated money. Best bank or best con job.
Literally the only video that actually explains things at a level I can understand. Thank you for this video!
There are a lot of ways to hedge against rising interest rates. It’s a huge failure of risk management not to do so
Check Nancy Pelosi's bank account. She's probably holding it. I just hope the damned government doesn't bail them out.
Remember…FDIC covers "up to" $250k. Well, "up to" can be a nickel, dime or a dollar. It's all "up to" $250k.
Through all of this non-sense & Fraud & Straight up Failure -> Leading to Massive Layoffs (Hurting us, the People.). I still remain Optimistic… Why/How? Because, through all this absurd failure we see at a Daily incredibly high velocity Clip these days.. after all the Fake and Incompetent are found/fired/terminated; then the REAL Leaders shall Rise from the ashes.
(I think this is the result of Excessive Money Printing over the past 3 years and the result of folks operating out of Reactive Fear instead of being Pro-Active Leaders.
In the end we know, The Real Innovators & Real Leaders amongst us shall thrive- We will NEVER Give Up and the Real Leaders will Work 24/7/365 (we do not rest til the Good Fight is won, and we will work Relentlessly Hard to achieve our Goals (which produce long lasting benefit to our society). God Bless America.
AND, the Weak & Fraudulent & Bad Actors shall, always, Fall
> Eventually, as history show's us this clearly.
Great Video ColdFusion, btw you have a soothing voice on every video depicting a dire/wild situation, well spoken!They contributed $73M to BLM & Joe's votes
Just another scheme of the banksters. The de jure Republic was usurped by the men and women of the legalese society who are part of the bankster society who created the de facto private corporate arm of the foreign military occupation most have no clue of. They have programmed us in their Publican indoctrination centers aka schools. We believe their fiat currency has value. We believe their banks are giving us loans. We believe the stock market is legit when it is manipulated. We believe we have to work for the majority of our lives. We believe we have to buy, sell and trade. We believe their policy enforcers are lawful peace officers and law enforcement. We believe the courts have judges, not administrators of policies that have nothing to do with the constitution. We believe we have constitution rights when we are supposed to have constitutional protections of our God given Unalienable natural rights. We believe in hearsay instead of doing our due diligence in gaining firsthand knowledge. We live in a strong delusion. Wakey wakey…
Considering what the tech sector has become, this is something the world greatly needed. Can only imagine the children crying they aren't getting new scooters and flying helicopters… no I mean the adult ones! And needless to say new dystopian technology with which to surveil censor and fundamentally control everyone, now that's their favorite toy of all. Can't wait for the next one… next "progressive" bank falling I mean.
American banking is broken
Huh, it looks like Forbes is just another shill establishment media outlet, the only purpose of which is to shape the minds of the masses in a way most suited to the rich. Who wouldve thunk?
Could this be deliberate?
Higher interest rates sorts out the wheat from the chaff. This sorting is very painful so there is a fair chance interest rates will drop in the future.
U.S. Marxist Regime's behind it other democrat banks to fall. Propagandize, divide, conquer, anarchy, tyranny, one party system; Check. Control media, armed services, education, unions, DOJ; Check. Honor enemies, open borders, release felons/maniacs, murder Americans; Check. Create debt, devalue currency, depress economy, destroy commerce; Check. CONTROL BANKS, control the people, chaos; Check. Be afraid, be very afraid.
This is what happens when you play with other peoples money. Things go wrong. You end up broke. In the real world someone breaks your legs if you don’t pay. In the banking world the government bails them out. With other peoples money.
The fed is fake
Im surprised that they paid out employee bonuses.
Svb >CEO risk office person wasn't sure
The more you look into the SVB liquidity crisis, the more it looks like the dot com bubble 2.0, rather than the banking crisis of 2008. Silicon Valley Bank was the most exposed to a downturn in tech industry bubbles.
Banks got hit by inflation because they owned old bonds, but they have been now guaranteed to be made whole on those bond losses and depositors got a guarantee, so it will probably stay contained within the tech sector.
For some time now I am following an economist named Yanis Varoufakis, even couple years ago when he was interviewed about economic crisis and what does he think about the possibility of an upcoming one he was saying that the crisis of 2008 has never left. The same systematic issues exist even now, it's a time issue when the bankruptcy will start hitting the banking system again
BON IVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The false savior of the 2008 rebound was low interest rates which allowed overvalued assets to rebound and become cosmetically worth more. The establishment knows what disposable income the average American has, and as interest rates dropped real estate prices increased to allow the monthly mortgage payment to match that threshold. So, if house prices were stagnant while interest rates dropped then new mortgage payments would decrease, but under such conditions real estate values could increase to keep the average monthly mortgage payment traditionally the same as when rates were higher, and this is a causal effect. Low rates have caused increase in real estate values, but unfortunately those fixed rates at this time do not cover inflation risk or default risk.
Started with gov out of control money printing…
more videos on the money crisis as soon as possible. Thank you.
Why can't they temporarily restrict withdrawals to a reasonable rate When they run low on liquidity? If they can't, and they needed cash, couldn't they only allow in person withdrawals, and reduce staff to delay withdrawals until they have all the assets? (I am not an expert, so feel free to correct me)
C level execs need to go to prison for a long time. Ppl look at the risk / reward when they make decisions. If there aren’t consequences, why would they not take the risk to make easy money doing things that they shouldn’t? And then there is lobbying to remove restrictions.
Daily stories of corruption, easy money and no consequences. Not a good thing for regular ppl to see every day. Seriously erodes trust in all institutions.
USA bnaking system needs continuous and more fianancial analysts to judge and work out finacial stability of Banks.
And that’s why the government should make gov owned banks
Someone pocketed some money…….. And Lehman Brothers ex employee, who would of known disaster wasn't coming nah
I always go back to your 2008 recession video every few months, and it's crazy how similar some of these events are. They say history repeats itself, but its only been around 15 years.. the taste of that recession is still there for a lot of people.
We need to change lobby to bribe and criminalise it. Also, we need to make bankers sign responsability wavers when they get hired. They fck around with our money and when they fail they are being bailed out with .. our tax money
This is a ponzi scheme ..
The consequences of this could be dire. Even if the banking system holds on the short term. A cascade of Business failures could bring it all down. Don't forget that a lot of these startups have many funders, and many connections. Many large businesses are exposed to these smaller ones. If the government doesn't work very quickly to put these startups in the green, it could create a tidal wave that heavily affects the entire business sector. Many banks make a lot of money from business. Whether that be as a direct stakeholder or as a holder of stock. If we see a tidal wave of failing business it could be enough to bring down the larger banks.
If the us wants to ensure that the collapse of SVB doesn't cause a cascade they should nationalise it.
The Fed did NOT get the "inflation is only transitory" wrong. They knew it wasn't transitory. They lied and they knew they were lying. They were just hoping that it would magically fix itself, or perhaps in their hubris, they thought that they could alter reality with their official statements.