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For everyone that thinks dabbing is too hard….here is your answer!!!
After 100’s if not 1000’s of comments for me to review an E Rig its finally happened ….introducing The Ispire DAAB.
For most people, the thing that scares them away from dabbing is the torch….then all the steps and upkeep to your nail and rig. The Daab eliminates all of those problems. You can load the nail, heat it up, and carb cap it…..ALL WITH ONE HAND!!!
This video is a full review on how to use this futuristic rig…..and trust me it rips!!!!!

Thank you to for filming
Thank you to for editing


Dope As Yola

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Dope As Yola

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33 thoughts on “The Easiest Way To Dab : Ispire – DopeasYola

  1. I died when you realized Americans were the dumb ones using Fahrenheit after being so confident it was the norm. This tool is so nice and my baked ass was able to watch the video and ignore the mousepad to get it working thanks brotha you've got a sub in me ur vibe is fire.

  2. Carta 2 is marketed as having a 360 degree heating element, buit this is clearly a 360 degree heating element, and they way is built into the bowl is amazing!! I bought this instead of the Carta 2 just because induction is BADASS !!! And i realized its 100% glass vapor-path. This thing is Clutch (YOOOOOO, can you use the carb as a Necter collector !??)

  3. Very well made video with all the details to make an educated decision. So far out of all the devices I've been looking at this one seems to be a winner. Again thank you for this video.

  4. How does this compare to the puffco peak pro, I bought one and a month later it quit working, and because I got it on sale the owner told me to bad, so now I have a 600$ paper weight so obviously I’m looking for something else, lol

  5. I work in a dispo and next door is our glassshop and I got this mf as soon as we got it in and JUST TODAY I found the dab tool under the foam… that deserved a subscription, and I didn’t even think to hit it normally, I’ve been cold starting at 550 lol

  6. I’m about to cop this for the price alone. Also it’s the only erig I am seeing anywhere that does not require you to eventually replace the coil. Even the puffco does that and the coils are not cheap I’m starting to see that that’s a design on purpose kind of thing and it just makes the industry look bad.

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