A caller has issues with feeling empathy and emotions, and tells me how their “femboy furry” persona has helped them navigate this.
Afterwards a college student struggles to tell her mother that she’s a cam girl, and a final caller wonders if she should ditch her group of friends that constantly make fun of her.
Also I am doing a big ass tour around the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia in 2023. Click this link to join my email list and get an email when I announce the cities: https://forms.gle/JQwo9aVNfgxxZkXPA
Don’t tell my mom I’m a gecko. I am a gecko.
0:00 – Intro
0:13 – How being a “femboy furry” has helped navigate their emotions.
26:51 – College student struggles to tell her mother she is a cam girl.
47:13 – Caller considers ditching her friends that make fun of her.
01:01:42 – How to call the gecko!
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Lyle Forever
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Cam girl has absolutely no idea what shes doing. She wants to have onlyfans, but oh no I have a career, oh but I want to be cool with my family, but oh no I want a boyfriend but actually I wanna do this but actually
First caller is just Autistic
Self-analysis feels like emotional masturbation.
The fem boy guy created his ideal girlfriend who he roleplays in reality
The third callers friends sound like assholes sorry
To the first caller. You don't need to be anything, you don't even need to be yourself. Whatever that self is thaat you created. Btw sounds like you have aspergers aka autism. You should look for the symptoms online, you should also look for symptoms of autism in women because it changes if your personality has more feminine aspects and maybe without. I for example have some male but mostly female traits of autism. They may even change with time. Look into it there are lots of videos on youtube
So Lyle, your next t shirt/sweater shluld def be “how can I geck you today” and the pic has to be stupid funny. Like funny funny . I’ll buy all of em
The poor girl doing porn in the second half clearly had a bad childhood with being exposed to "sex work" at a young age. She is not afraid of what her parents think, it's that she knows most people in general think less of sex workers and they are less valuable as partners to almost everyone. She should stop doing it, be honest and move on with this regret in life, we all do regrettable things.
When I saw the thumbnail, and this guy said his name was "fen," I immediately knew he was one of us. I see u fam.
apathy is awful, i feel for the first guy
I was sexually abused as a child and the furry fandom helped me be able to get over things like being hugged or complimented. I spent many years friendless living in isolation working remotely. I hated people, like genuine hate and just wanted to die. Now im doing better. So please, don't shame on us because a lot of us have a story….
It be hilarious for someone to call out someone at a family gathering and telling them they need therapy and they respond with “I am in therapy”. But just really mean listening to a few of these episodes.
It would have been funny if he just hung up on the third caller.
Lyle lately seems way more uninterested and willing to properly listen
3:50 give me a break
Omg just say it! Sdlut that's the word you are looking for
I relate with Caller 1 fr.
No no no she should just say completely than defend herself. She should START OUT with saying “I love you two, so I want to be honest with how I am a sex worker.”
lyle is the mainstream furry rep we need
I still don't know what this channel is about but I love your personality thanks for the fun hours
Similar experience
When people express they have some emotional shit going through i am annoyed instantly. I understand i should feel sorry and offer advice or something, but i don't feel that. It's like reading a script, and suddenly remember what the character is supposed to feel and say, so i try to emulate the feeling because it's the right thing to do, or in other words it's the solution to the logical problem "how do i come off as a good person// how do i fulfill the role of helper to this friend that i do have affection for, but I'm not emotionally invested in their problem, because it's just a logical problem"
And i resent them for making me feel annoyed, for throwing emotions at me. Like if you have a problem tell me the problem only. Now i gotta act like a person with feelings and follow the social convention of "aw, sorry, here's a tissue". The resentment turns into shame and guilt for not being a normal person. Which in turn are not something i want to solve by evolving the emotional-social side of me, it's just a logical problem because there's something wrong with being wrong. I'm not supposed to feel or be an outcast and if i do or am, it's a problem. I want to solve it because it's wrong, not because I'll feel better
I'm starting to think he may not be a real therapist
“Am I coming in good that’s a loaded question.” That’s a loaded answer
Poor Addison is just a regular neurodivergent person with shit friends. Truthfully if they treat your presence or speech as a negative then they never really liked you anyway which is a hard thing to hear for someone like that. Being ridiculed and cut off whenever you talk makes it clear that it's just not a healthy friendship. There's nothing wrong with friendly banter, but there's a point where it stops becoming harmless jokes among friends but instead a setup for a group punching bag. Make new friends!
I get the vibe that the first guy is a psychopath.. Anyone else get the feeling?
28:00 chick is literally for the streets dog ain't no way.
Worst episode I've seen
The fury is a weirdo. The cam girl is a dumb girl that is proud of creating porn. Ask yourself is that all you have to offer the world ?
Hearing the first guy laugh made me smile. I feel like he just needs to chase that feeling he had right there with Lyle. Surround yourself with loving people that make you want to be who you are.
I want to be Addison's friend, she seems really cool
Fen, I heard you say that when you do feel feelings, they are mostly positive. You said, "feel good, amazing, happy." I would consider maybe asking yourself if you avoid feeling feelings on the more opposite side of the spectrum, like sadness, guilt, anger or unworthiness, and why. Allowing yourself to feel the entire spectrum of feelings might be the key to having empathy. You may feel it might hinder your potential for greatness, and honestly it might. But you will probably find peace.
This is actually something that I struggle with and have explored in therapy. The "should" essentially rules my life and is a big part of my shame and regret in social situations/many aspects of my life. Recognizing it's existence is only the first part and working to rewire that part of my brain is such a trip.
Onlyfans girl should find a real job and stop manipulating others for her own satisfaction.
I’m a furry, so this was an mist click, but all and all, this was a good episode
The first caller sounds like a sociopath. … not a bad thing necessarily… dude just doesn’t feel emotions. Not saying he’s homicidal.
I loved this episode
Dressing up like a wolf is dope.
Yo I’m at Walmart again waiting on a pick up order smoking a joint. Always entertaining love the videos man I don’t watched the stream but I watch the YouTube videos all day when I’m not watching PKA, or PGL with Sam Hyde, and Nick R. How a good one man be safe and enjoy your time feller.

Hated the first caller
I watch every single episode. Keep'em coming.
Caller one sounds like they are masking at work or social events and cant unmask when they want. it really sounds similar to my adhd and autism experience
I'm not sure if Gek is contemplating himself as a man in a dragon costume or a Gecko in a dragon costume… does he realize he could literally have sex in his Gek costume?
What I learned from this guest is that the newer gens are soulless
The waffle house has found a new host