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There are soo many positive things going on in my life and I cant thank you guys enough!!!

So guys….this chapter in my life makes me so stoked, its unreal!!
I dont want to talk about everything in this video because I dont want to give it away….Im just sitting here smiling…..thank you all for making it possible.

Thank you all for watching Growing Up : Talking With Thomas

Thank you to for filming
Thank you to for editing

Shoutout to Stiiizy for giving back, thats truly DOPE!!!


Dope As Yola

About Post Author

Dope As Yola

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44 thoughts on “Growing Up : Talking With Thomas – DopeasYola

  1. You know what’s fucking weird, is a lot of your childhood stories I relate to, about growing up poor and you don’t have money for lunch or hand me down clothes or shoes with holes in them. But my parents have money. Sounds like I’m lying but trust me it’s called neglect.. I have so many broke ass stories.

  2. @dopeasyola, inspiring to see where u guys are a little over a year later, Vans will probably reach out again after seeing your 2022 numbers across the board, but you should raise your potential take% since they ghosted you the first time, keep up the hustle

  3. if you know what i need it for lol you would make it but pushtrees should come out with locked smell proof bookbags with pushtrees all over it

  4. I feel like we had the same teenage life at the same time. What's funny is I was a chain smoker named Spencer lol. Good thing I dropped that nasty habit. Thanks yola for all the amazing videos and storys. It makes me so nostalgic.

  5. I really recommend you get a web developer. They can easily give you everything you’re looking for. That way, you can have the community on the website and migrate everything.

  6. @Dope As Yola, I hope I can shake your hand one day. You are a damn fine man, and person. I don't know how this always happens, but I saw this video exactly when I needed to… Yes, I know what that is like. I remember as a kid not asking for certain things because I knew they were expensive. Now I am 27, with my wife, 28, and thanks to Covid, I am now looking at January with no idea of how I am going to pay rent… I am scared. I really am.. Hopefully, I can figure this out, but I am not sure.

  7. Also man if I ever get where I want to be with my dream. I wanna do what you said. I wanna find people who just need help, do it and never have to worry about it. Goals

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