My video on thorium reactors:
In this episode we take a look at the good the bad and the ugly of fusion energy. Is it as promised? And if not, what are the major issues?
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Producer: Dagogo Altraide
Editor: Tanzim Uddin
Animator: @ThenWhatHappens
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A couple of corrections:
At 3:13 I said the processes the wrong way round. The FISSION part is only there to aid the FUSION part. And ICF is Inertial Confinement Fusion not Internal. Sorry about that.
My money is still on the stellerator Design
answer to fusion is to do it when atoms are cold not hot
If only the standard physics theory had anything to do with reality! Especially Einstein's dreamed equations.
Fusion. Yeah. That and warp drive. Riiiiiiight around the corner. Yep. Any day now.
This video spent a little too long on the celebration, where in the grand scheme of things — towards a fusion reactor — this does not look like a big leap: reaching plasma break-even required marginal progress over previous achievements compared to the progress needed to achieving reactor break-even. And then this happened at a research facility whose design is in no way whatsoever on a trajectory to a reactor design.
The beauty of human scientific endeavor is how serendipitous it is; we may never achieve thermodynamically favorable nuclear fusion, but what we learn and discover along they way is never wasted.
Whenever you see, even momentarily, passion, it's all wide open.
I disagree with the first sentence of this video "energy is the most valuable resource…". Intelligence is obviously more valuable.
Finally the Cold Fusion episode about Cold Fusion
tritium is in older watches to make them glow in the dark
Helion's pulsed compression seems interesting, but there was nothing in the explanation about how it is able to convert the generated energy into electricity.
Edit: nevermind, the "Real Engineering" video explains that the plasma expands against the magnetic field which distortion in turn drives currents in copper coils around the chamber. My question is, however, what about all that energy carried by high velocity neutrons? A hybrid approach seems ideal, capturing the energy carried by both charged and neutral particles.
great video
another one about fusion (quite respective, you could be more creative)
"covered fusion on cold fusion channel" lmaoo
The fact that the overall energy required for everything involved in producing a single ignition still exceeds the energy generated made this story a bit of a yawn to me when I saw it.
Commercial fusion remains 20 years away just as it has for the past 70 years.
Not sure about fusion energy but cold fusion is most def the future!
The future, duh. Either we get fusion going or we don’t. If we don’t than we go back centuries and rely on solar energy. Which is fusion done by Mother Nature
4:37 haha balls
The first computer was 5,000 instructions per second. While a high end CPU these days go beyond 125,000,000,000 billion instructions per second. If we can get sand to think, we can figure out how to smash some specially selected atoms together. Fusion is possible, but it requires time and investment.
The fact that humans will still have to PAY for energy is what holds humanity back..
Fusion is only 20 years away…
Great video, thanks!
I don't get the hype about ignition in the National Ignition Facility. In my opinion their technology is the furthest away from economical fusion in all the important aspects except ignition itself. So great, they are a few steps ahead in ignition and miles behind everywhere else. If I had to bet on what fusion technology would have the highest chance of sucess, I would surely NOT bet on them…
Getting Wonderful !
Get Wonderfull !
Fusion – you can get more energy out than you put in but you’ll never get more money out than you put in
Fusion with Cold Fusion

We will see the commericalization of fusion energy within our lifetimes, if advanced medicial science makes us immortal.
Helion had changed the game:
Doesn't matter if you crack fusion and then build it tomorrow you can't do it cheaply the process is way too complex ever be made cost-efficient compared to solar or wind on Earth however would be great for travelling space. It's like hydrogen fuel cells I don't mind if idiots spend billions chasing a Golden Goose cuz in the end it'll benefit all of us
You can make gas out of plastic and draw electricity from the atmosphere.
we already have it but we are lazy
My favourite part about the fusion experiment is that they didn’t count the energy the lasers used.
ICF is inertial confinement not internal
The entirety of human energy production is just boiling water.
Fusors run off the same principle but ionize with electric fields
Anyone else? "The Power of the Sun in the palm of my hand"
Imagine that i a ramdom user from the internet invented a energy source cheap an efficient. I would disappear in no time.
So Octavius was right all along!
The only problem is that gravity and temperature don't cause fusion in the sun. It's too cold out there and the reason why fission happens is because of quantum tunneling, probability, and scale. There is no place inside the sun where fusion happens because of temperature and gravity alone.
great way to ended fusion on Coldfusion!