We have all had confrontations with homeless people…some situations are scarier than others….this is STORY TIME.
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This STORY TIME is a long awaited one….Ive briefly mentioned one of these stories on the podcast but nothing in detail….today there is a whole lotta detail so get ready.
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Dope As Yola
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I love your videos man when I go on tolerance breaks I binge watch your story times when I get home from school it’s always hella interesting
@10:07 found a mutant that's crazy
Sounds like dude 2 was a krokadile user, fake heroine, more addictive and makes the skin rot and look like crocodile scales where it’s injected
Keep the videos coming man story time and how to hide weed are my favorite types of videos
You should come to Canada and do some of our weed
Or maybe he was a reptilian you neva know
Have a dope ass day
"Let him beat up his car like E. Honda in the bonus round" that fucking took me out

“With my rig, my hash, my stuff” – OH NOOOOO!
I thought bro was still in his mid-twenties, turns out we're the same age.
he was taking Krokodil most likely, search it up, pretty crazy
Bro I been re watching all these old vid they still so damn good
Lmao I just got some fools gold as well it looks fire and tasted Alr wasn’t horribly rough but burnt dark asf
I know this is almost a year old but I’m finally watching this episode and finally watching an episode of story time AND rollin some chapos churros
much love and appreciation since I learned to roll from YOU 

any of my homies that tell me they can’t roll I literally send them your vid
Im pretty sure that the guy at 9:49 had done krockadil cause that shit makes you scaley
Yo bro
lol i literally an homeless and ur videos take my mind iff that shit
Bro I’m 17 I smoked meth and shit bro and I was in my house flipping out so bad and I thought I was at the groshery store and I seen invisible ants it was crazy bro weird ass trip off the Tina and bro there were invisible cars but I stopped the meth and went to crack and XTC
you're so dope yola!
"ay ima kill your mom" HAHAHAH
Bro encountered Trevor Philips dam bro a lot of these uber drivers got no survival skills
Im happy to see im not the only one
You was a real one for helping homeless people bruh
why do i not remember this coming out
turned on the bell, now I can see when you upload
They gonna be tweakin till I shoot they ass
What's up
I want a story time with Bert kreischher
13:45–14:10 made me laugh so hard
Good shit bro
Dope as Yola explains the story times so well that I can actually picture it in my head. Fuxking legend
The Alligator arm is from a bacteria that tweakers get when they use dirty needles
Wassup bro love your videos
imagine being the plug that sold him that P watching this haha