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Nothing goes together quite like sugary cereal and Saturday morning cartoons. In this video we will have a look at the long lost cereals of the 1960s and 1970s.

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46 thoughts on “Old 1960s & 1970s Cereals!

  1. I HAD PINK PANTHER FLAKES!!! I thought I was the only one that knew about this cereal. It was just one of those things that if you asked someone about it they would say, they never heard of it. It was somewhat of an obscure thing and we could say why. I didn't see the cereal until the 70's. I'm kid of surprised that they were trying the nuts in cereal thing even then. Now look at where we are now.

    They were still selling Kaboom in the 80's. My mother basically would buy 'Kaboom' because it was cheaper and hoping it would deter us from eating it up a whole box in a day.

    I was looking at that image of the ice cream cereal, and I noticed that ice cream really looked and tasted differently. Not to mention it was 10x better.

  2. i remember eating a bowl of KABOOM, and lost a tooth in the process and chewerd it up thinking it was just a very hard, n crunchy pice of the cereal part, nut later on found out it was in actuality it was the tooth, funny yeah maybe, but not too my 6 yr old self, I lost a Tooth Fairy's quarter in that bowl oif marshmellowy goodness… 🤨

  3. I has kaboom as a child in , probably 86' there were no marshmallows in it then. But it would make your extremities purple or green ,I forget . But js. It was around in the 80s

  4. Well, it's nice to know what I missed out on. Back in the day, Mom wouldn't let my sister and I have sugar cereals. I only know these from Saturday morning cartoons. We were LUCKY if we got something even remotely "cool". Usually, it was something bland like Special-K or Cheerios or Kellogg's corn flakes.

  5. Sure takes me back, even though I grew up in the 70s and don’t remember a lot of those cereals.
    I guess my parents usually got the more common stuff like Lucky Charms, Cap’n Crunch, Froot Loops, etc. I vaguely remember Quisp in the early 70s.
    Our cereal often resided in our big Tupperware bowls because the first thing I did after going to the store was dump them out to find the plastic toy inside! 😁
    Anybody remember the cardboard records you could cut out of the back of the box? 😉

  6. Fruit Brute (a werewolf) and Fruity Yummy Mummy are discontinued Monster cereals that went along with BooBerry, Count Chocula and FrankenBerry. Both were fruity flavored but Brute had green lime marshmallows and Mummy had white vanilla ones. Both were really good but only lasted a couple years in the 70’s and 80’s respectively.

  7. I remember getting M80’s, cigarettes, airline-sized bottles of booze, and coupons to collect and send in for kid-sized handguns.
    Okay maybe not really, but looking back, it did seem that we were only a step away from that.
    I was born in 1965

  8. I was really upset when Lucky Charms changed the short old and fat leprechaun to a young tall and thin leprechaun who looks more like Peter Pan than a leprechaun.

  9. I graduated HS in 74. Growing up mostly in the 60s tons of food items were created and sold for the consumption by kids. It was the golden era kid foods.
    By the mid 70s I didn't pay much attention to these cereals being a young adult.

  10. I remember Crazy Cow, Pink Panther, Kaboom and Redberry/Grapefellow from this lineup. – Used to read the back of the boxes, do the puzzles and games on those boxes, enjoyed the prizes — the good old days!! Nothing was better than cereal and Saturday morning cartoons!

  11. A cereal that was warm and discontinued around early 1980s. I still actually have a desire to have it, but I can't remember the name. I've looked everywhere in vain. It has a very distinct flavor like nothing else.

  12. We would see the commercials while we watched cartoons after school or in Saturdays. Then we wpi;d ask/beg/bargain (depending on how your parents felt about these very sugary ceresls) with your parents to get said cereals. The goal was to eat the cereal while watching the cartoons/kid shows. What younger people may not lnow is that kids ain that era were Heavily marketed to and many of us really weee really affected by it.
    For example – I am in my late 50s and will still buy Apple Jack or fruity Pebbles,etc a few times a year……

  13. I remember Most of these. I ghought the weirdest cereal was Pink Panther Flakes – they were baically Frosted Flakes coated with pink sugar – the milk would turn very pink & the flakes got soggy too fast. We only had it once.

  14. I still have four of the FREAKIES magnets on my fridge. I still sing the jingle.
    I remember " Crispy Critters "
    And a sugar coated rice cereal but can't remember the name.
    My mother hated buying us Lucky Charms because we picked out the marshmallows.
    Back then the oat part was not sugar coated. Rather more like Alpha Bits which we didn't care for .
    The small variety boxes use to have perforations on one side of the box so we could pour milk into it and eat from the box.

    I use to try to collect the toys as well. We would take turns on who got the toys !

    Contemplating buying cereal today makes me remember my mom only bought cereal as a treat for us because it was so EXPENSIVE!
    One box now rivals a gallon of gas!!!!

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