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Can't stand watching people watch somebody Google things and shouting out suggestions on wording, spelling out the names… if your engineer doesn't know how to Google, fire him. If he does, stop telling him how to Google things.
These guys need to read up on Kent State University students shot by national guard on orders from our president. Jus sayin
China has jailed thousands for practicing health exercise called the weeger people .After weakening the prisoner by depriving of food ,then the weeger person is strapped to a gurney and without anesthesia operate on a fully conscious person and cut out their organs for sale on organ transplant .jus sayin
this a clip? this is over an hour!! hahah
Matthew B. Cox for President!!
You do not have him on enough. I had to watch you three…. great juju. I see Matt on tv to protect from mortgage fraud……the title just throttled me. It’s a good time for mortgage fraud!!!!
Another idiotic statement: China has no crime..China is home of one of the largest criminal undergrounds, home of some of the largest criminal syndicates
The commentator says: that's how it should be if you steal, you should be killed for your crimes..probably goes to church every Sunday living a hypocritical life.
Intro music & intro kinda sucks now
Matt should replace Biden
I only know this podcast cause of Matthew Cox. cant get enough. also, whats that stuff you guys keep smelling?
Love you Matt!!
He is on there way too much. Find another guest.
Really?!?!?! I used to like you guys. We should be like China?!?! You couldn't have your little podcast if we were like China dumbezz
Hearing Matthew Cox explain the Evergrande disaster is so priceless, its like a "Catch Me If You Can" moment
A "Class A" prison in the UK is the "supermax" its the highest level, definitely not a Hilton!
Larry Fink
Class a prison is the Uks version of max security
China isn’t doing shit! If they try to take Taiwan the US navy and allies will cut off 80% of Chinas oil in the Strait of Malacca, setting off a countdown of 90 days before they’re having blackouts and fuel rationing
Hes really the only reason I check this channel >.< no offense other dudes. Lol.
Have matt cox on once a month
what are they sniffing lol
Shiiii, honestly Matt should be a consistent thing. He’s well wise enough
You should move to China
Hello? Turd? Bubba STINKS and I don't like him.