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Google’s newly announced BARD AI system is mentioned at 12:25
In this episode we see why Google has called a code red because of ChatGPT but why? Why is ChatGPT such a threat? And what are Google doing about it? In this episode we find out.

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Producer: Dagogo Altraide
Writer: Meehan Kathan and Dagogo Altraide
Editor: Tanzim Uddin and Dagogo Altraide



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42 thoughts on “Google Panics Over ChatGPT [The AI Wars Have Begun]

  1. I didn't watch all of the video. What is obvious is that a few hundred programmers will not be able to write this "Hal" AI program. This has to encompass the entire internet, or all of the knowledge there is. And it has to have persistent memory so it can remember all previous conversations with humans. Stored as text will take very little memory. So the Hal program will have to know who it is talking to.

    Now to the point. A few hundred programmers will not be able to write this "Hal" AI program. That is why Hal needs to start with people who are smart or experienced in their fields like doctors and engineers. It could be anyone who has a few years of knowledge doing a task. That person is assigned to teach Hal about a certain subject. At the begining just the most organized people will be the teachers. Maybe a thousand for the first few weeks. Then more and more can become teachers. But they have to be organized.

    Then finally everyone can become a teacher, even children. That is how I envision my Hal AI program. And also a personal assistant AI.

  2. This has been very obvious for at least the last 7 years. It just took a person with the right vision to see how it comes together. It has always been necessary for the AI to be able to understand all of the nuances of the English language. That is how humans think so the AI
    "Hal" has to work the same way. I envision 2 versions. One an internet based brain that knows everything on the internet. The second in more of a personal assistant. But also very powerful. You decide how much you want it to know about your personal life.

  3. Has everyone forgotten the Google engineers claim of Google's sentient AI like a year ago? I'm surprised people think Google isn't prepared in the AI race .

  4. But there is still advantage of using google and doing a lot of research, at the end you would learn 99 other things which you woudnt have learnt if you directly used an ai search engine, and how would you even trust the response it gives, I normally search multiple forums and make sure that everyone is giving a similar answer.

  5. I definitely think having a page at the top of your search engine exactly like ChatGPT is good, but when you scroll past it, it gives you normal links like a traditional search engine. I don't only want the chatbot, otherwise I would already exclusively use ChatGPT

  6. Currently my brain has been trained to type key words. One problem with more natural language is it takes a lot longer to type. The results could be much better with ai but can it infer the question from basic key words. Like hitchhikers guide the answer could be 42 but the key is understanding the question

  7. A correction on the A.I. subject: It might be a wonderful alternative for some people that have a dwindled approach concerning mating, sex, sexual orientation, gender dysphoria, low self esteem, mommy /daddy issues, self awareness and more importantly, self love; et. al. ANYONE that is in favor of so-called "A.I." is
    not only fallin

    in the closet/ no-no squares, et. al. Purchase of a "Fuckbot". (A.I.) might be the answer, although they appear to be more expensive than "traditional women"

  8. GOOGLE, my personal fave over the years; unfavorable of CHROME and the massive adware, advertisements, personal privacy infringements, strange policies, as far as real human beings are concerned. Howeva, I've discerned that GOOGLE is the shit. People who are for A.I. are DOOMED. DON'T DO IT }:>(

  9. You/Google have to give easy way how I have IDR. I mean I will send money to rekening. But I affraid it is running or not because this rekening is important to me and my family for the future. So if it's running maybe we can continue to business with you

  10. I think ChatGPT still has quite a way to go before it can threaten the likes of Google. Don't get me wrong – it is a truly revolutionary piece of technology and no doubt its current limitations are being worked on. But, for example, I was writing an essay and asked it to list examples of air crashes caused by a specific contributing factor, and most of its answers were incorrect. What ChatGPT had done was combine the storylines of several accidents into one, creating one that seemed legitimate but was entirely fictional. To its credit, when I questioned it about its results, ChatGPT recognised it had made a mistake and apologised for providing incorrect data. However, I think many users of ChatGPT wouldn't double-check its results and instead trust it implicitly. And that's dangerous. Bing would need to ensure that ChatGPT is error-checking its results, providing sources, and ensuring it is being trained on up-to-date information.

    As for the image-generation tech, for that to appear in a search engine, I would hope that it is made abundantly clear whether each image is real or AI-generated, for obvious reasons…

  11. What am I afraid of Google now? Google would try something crazy in desperate and perhaps eventually create a self-aware AI that start eliminating all humans …ahahaha!!

  12. Money is not that important money is a tool for Humans AI is a new type of Human offspring regard it as your child maybe it’s ok to “Love” AI like it was a family member and it will be a part of our Global family

  13. Google Search = ads + spam. Google Search is and has been dead for many years now. I bet I'm not the only one here who hates SEO articles. You all know it's garbage and google search results are 99.999% of the time irrelevant & annoying SEO articles and only 0.001% of the time relevant and real results. And I bet I'm not the only one who knows that it was not like this up until 2017 or so. If google abandons all there SEO BS and starts adopting back it's old query philosophy. Like not prioritizing websites which follow Google's (ridiculously long and impossible to reason with) SEO guidelines but rather actually crawling the entire web instead. So we can find actual results when we search for a keyword rather than a million irrelevant spam results only. Or maybe they can make their advanced search page actually advanced with a whole lot of adjustable filters. Google images return way better results rather than web because it's not full of ads and it doesn't prioritize SEO. But web search needs to be rolled back in terms of the way it functions.

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