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44 thoughts on “Flying A Helicopter Indoors

  1. Your videos may appeal to a large audience with the population not being very intelligent, but why not do something that is educational. I am amazed that people put more effort into doing stupid things than something worth while. I understand you are just a boy, but if you have people that follow you, man up and lead by example.

  2. As a man whos been locked in a bunker with three old men for 30 years. I once saw a film with a helicopter in it therefore I'm naturally a certified pilot.
    Cody brought me to tears. The beauty and skillfullness of this pilot is unmatched. 🥹🫡

  3. Hey diesel if I had money to burn I've always wanted to build a mansion buy a d 10 bulldozer biggest one made
    Idle it right through the house then over a cliff just to watch it roll
    Please live my righteous dream for me.
    All you haters can suck one
    If he bought all that equipment didn't abuse it and gave it away for proper use All views would tank and he wouldn't be able to afford to begin with
    His formula would deduct to zero
    Thank you

  4. I've always wanted my pilots license prop plane or helicopter. I have great hand to eye coordination and I'm sure I'd be great at it with practice. I've hauled oversized loads of equipment and tanks ect. I've actually been checking into buying an icon A5. But I have a ways to go just to be able to afford it. But it's a dream of mine and I always hold onto a dream until I can make it a reality

  5. I’ve enjoyed watching your videos, I just wish I had that kind of money that you have to destroy stuff, so I could buy the much needed farm equipment that I need here on my farm.

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