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David Choe is a painter, podcaster, and his The Choe Show is now streaming on Hulu!
Come see me on tour!
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39 thoughts on “David Choe – Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #80

  1. Communism just seems boring, no goals to achieve, no reaching your full potential ect. Everything's the same, everyone's the same. You just simply exist as everyone else does.. life is supposed to be challenging communism takes away the challenge to be great

  2. Faget and Daddy are amazing. But it is tragic, the places such powerful art comes from. Jonathan certainly didn't write those songs for fun.

    Daddy is haunting as fuck and Faget is a hard hitting track, great as an outlet for anger, "Y'all can suck my dick and fucking like it!"

  3. I bet this van it parked in his garage he should show the outside to show where he's at this is like watching those survival shows and there's a highway right next to them

  4. 1:27:14 is it just me or does Steve-O sound like Mike Tyson when hes sorta choked up.
    Especially when he said “whats wrong with me…” his tone and rhythm sounded just like current day Mike Tyson.

  5. As a Korean, I always shat an average 5-6 times a day and I never made the connection to cheese. And I LOVE cheese.
    NOW i understand at age 40. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  6. What David was talking about early in the interview sounds like what's called Generational Trauma. It has been proven that trauma experienced by parents, grandparents, and more is passed down through the DNA.
    Amazing scientific discovery.
    Keep on keeping on gentlemen, been following your adventures since the 90s.

  7. I suffer from chronic pain, have for like 20 years. No doctor will help me and I have no life. I hurt too much to try to function on a normal level. And my anxious and stress are so bad. And I keep having terrible negative symptoms to various drugs. Doctors refuse to help me.

  8. Man I wish we had some type of treatment like that here..I have no fluid in my neck so constant pain besides the's miserable..but docs say I just gotta deal so wish they had more therapies and stem cell treatments in New Mexico

  9. … And yeah, a good interviewer doesn't interrupt the person their talking to. They also allow their geust to keep speaking, to finish their current stream of thought/ the story they're telling you/ the entire question they're trying to ask you/etc..

    I say this because David Choe is such a kind individual that he'd probably never show any kind of agitation. And he'd never stop you from cutting him off and speak up about it bothering him. But you were speaking over him QUITE OFTEN.

    Remember, sure this show is on YOUR channel. And sure, everyone is watching to see you and hear you guy's conversation. But we're also here to listen to your geust, to hear what they've gotta say, and be able to listen to their full, completed thoughts when they start talking.

    Shits frustrating. Sorry for the rant. But I just had to be honest. Thanks.

  10. I love how Dave speaks in a way that in Russian there is an expression: "Start from a far". He starts talking about topic, goes long way and different roads, links many stories that you think are not related to it, and at the end is like unexpected eureka moment where he makes conclusion and all stories are kind of linked together to one spot and make sense.

  11. saying money does not change people and that it only amplifies their personality is completely untrue. if steve o truly believes that then he is pretty ignorant to how the world works lol. that is the exception and not the rule lol. sure, money does change everyone, but it does change a lot of people. money and success especially change how people treat them which exacerbates the situation. as my brother went through the process of becoming a doctor, he changed slowly but surely. as he became surrounded by "yes men" he became a different person. i do not believe being surrounded by "yes men" was the only contributing factor but it was a part of the process. he could do something wrong, and people would make excuses for him, and he can do something wrong and he will act like it was the right thing to do. no matter what he does he acts like it was the "mature" and right thing to do. no matter what. he is completely oblivious to the idea that he could do something wrong. he is blissfully ignorant in the worst way, and he has become super toxic to interact with. for example i taught my little Shitsu/yorki hybrid dog to be a guard dog. whenever someone showed up at my house my dog would bark and wake me up if i was sleeping. i did that back when i struggled with addiction when i would have sketchy people come over all the time. anyways… when i sobered up it took me 3 years to teach my dog to stop barking. he would come over and start teaching my dog to bark on purpose and he just un-did 3 years of work even though i kept asking him not to. he would teach my dog to "speak" and give him treats for it. then my whole family would gang up against me and start acting like i was in the wrong. they would all act like i was in the wrong for politely asking my brother to stop teaching my dog to bark because it was un-doing the past 3 years of time i spent teaching my dog. because i already taught my dog to bark (during my addiction) he was pretty easily able to undo the past 3 years i spent teaching my dog not to bark. he also would say super insensitive things. like one day we were hanging out and he told me, "when i die you're not getting any of my money." keep in mind that i have never asked him for a dollar. it was just something super random (it was not relevant to the conversation at hand) that he decided to say to me. the list goes on… he just became a fan of gas lighting me in general and he would pull other bullshit. but my point is that he acted normal before he became a doctor, but the money and success inflated his ego (not mentioning his shitty wife and the yes men that also contributed to the situation), and he became a completely unrecognizable person. he quite literally became a narcissist, and the funny thing is that i am pretty sure he was calling me that behind my back. which i just chalk up as a Freudian slip and him deflecting his issues onto me. steve o is completely wrong about how money does not change people. it does and if he thinks otherwise, he is blissfully ignorant.

  12. You can get in a cycle where you over-analyze, over-think, and have too much self awareness. That’s where I think David Choe is at. But he’s a fascinating guest. I could listen to him for hours

  13. With the stem cell pain coming back in other places I believe that it could just be new pains as they're getting older. When you're getting pains in one place chances are you're more susceptible to getting pains later on in your life as well.

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