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This is a compilation of the best customer states and mechanic-related clips shown on the Just Rolled In channel, in 2022!
Hope you enjoyed the video and thank you for all the support in 2022!
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Jeffrey Cusson via ViralHog
Jacob Handy via ViralHog
Latonya Lark via ViralHog
Stephen Philpitt via ViralHog
Ledarius Williams via ViralHog
Aaron Morris via ViralHog
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Submit your clips/photos at http://www.justrolledinyt.com
What a wild year it's been! I just want to say a huge thank you for all the support in 2022 and I hope you enjoy this recap of the "best" clips of 2022!
The next video is a compilation of customer states my car sounds like ___ as that was highly requested this year.
Thanks for watching!
What gets me is people in the mid west and east coast have no idea
that automobile get eaten away from all that salt and snow 
Too many stupid people… I don't feel safe sharing the road with them.
These people vote Democrat
NGL I once had an old 69 ford. I had trouble starting it after parking it. I replaced a few parts and nothing happened until i put gas in it. It just happened to die as soon as I shut it off. Always put gas in you car first if it’s not starting. To be fair I just got the thing and it’s gas gauge wasn’t reading correctly.
Those curry smugglers are serious hardasses be careful!!!
I curse state inspection but never forget people are the way they are
Some people shouldn't even be allowed to look at cars
Reminds me of the airline pilots and maintenance crews back and forth of aircraft issues.

Pilot: 'Something loose in the cockpit'.
Maintenance: 'Something tightened in the cockpit'.
how can your door latch not work and you STILL decide not to wear a seatbelt?!
It’s terrifying how stupid some people are yet are still able to drive a car with the rest of us.
Some of these have to be new teenage drivers, right?! Please, tell me I’m right!
I'm fairly certain guardrails aren't supposed to do that
The curry one is like a scene out of a horror movie
I appreciate the commentary for us folks that are not car people
I particularly like the steam powered brakes
What in the love of god
Holy crap, the dude yelling "FORE!" at the first one killed me!
You can have all the money in the world and own a Ferrari but it doesn't mean your not a idiot
Those çars with mould , I would be wearing a Hazmat suit before I work on them. What did those poor cars do to be neglected like that.
The last one wins the prize !
I never seen shot rotors like that before
Some people just do not deserve the privilege of owning a car if you're that stupid you should not be driving
The mouldy cars were probably auction buys.
9:05 for how ugly the badazzled car is at least they were smart enough not to turn the airbag into a claymore
4:39 what in the world did they shoot that car with to punch a hole straight through the damn brake rotor
Three layers of liquid in a washer fluid reservoir, impressive
Snake hate the taste of hand sanitizer. Proceeds to rub its entire head down
Not going to lie that bedazzled Chrysler has swag
That bejazzled steering wheel is now a claymore
страшно становится, когда понимаешь что они рядом
Many of those "customer" should never be allowed to drive anything.How can someone be that dumb is beyond me,pathetic !!!.
Serious question, what could possibly cause mold in a car
What kind of driving are you doing when you fall out of your car taking a corner
"You can't make this shit up"
it just seems not possible to be that dumb. This country should be illegal, there is no place in the world where people are such retards
I know what's wrong with it! Ain't got no gas in it!
And the same POS people will then make comments all over the internet "Meanwhile in Russia".
Fucking rednecks, hillbillies and just complete morons everywhere ffs. What a backward, retarded country.
I just wanna know how the interior is covered in Curry but not the seating at all
Starting the car via door…definitely a first….
I swear, some of these cars must belong to the Manson family

The state of the Ferrari was just sad
They don't deserve that car
Looking at these cars leaves only one response: hand slap to forehead and one big sigh!