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Each and every year kids go back to school. Moms everywhere head to the stores to shop for school supplies and clothes. Over the years many things have changed and if you’re like me then you probably think back to how it was when you were going back to school. In this video we will take a trip back in time and remember how Back To School In The 1980s was!

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Rhetty for History

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29 thoughts on “Back To School In The 1980s

  1. Went to Catholic school so we had uniforms but loved the job of clapping the erasers outside. Also remember having to cover all our books with brown paper bags. And anytime someone got sick the janitor would put down something that looked like cat litter but had the most atrocious smell- just talking about it now and the smell comes right back!

  2. Didn’t see Big Chief writing tablets. The red paper tablet. They came out with a mid 80s one called Son Of Big Chief. I remember in 1st grade the teacher cut the lid off our pencil boxes. It felt like an outrage. She said they were a nuisance since they got stuck. I remember the class Xmas parties and the excitement of opening up the generic class present everyone got. Normally a hot wheel for all the boys.

  3. Yeah, that was when you got to keep your school supplies. Now you have to buy for the class, and they all go into the pool of supplies for the whole class. You dont get to keep your own stuff. Communism at its best today.

  4. I remember many of these. We had Oregon Trail on floppy disk in our 1st grade classroom. The scratch and sniff stickers were fun too. These videos trigger my nostalgia like you wouldn't believe! Thanks for the memories 👍

  5. We were poor growing up in the 80s and I remember being envious of my friends because of their new clothes and school supplies, none the less the 80s were definitely good, it was a very significant decade for me, I became a teenager in 81 and a father in 89. Thanks for posting 👍

  6. I went to middle school in the 80s in Daytona Beach…some of my friends skipped school to watch the INXS concert…those were the days LOL

  7. born in 1970 and was raised in the 80's ,the best times of my life . i wish we can go back to to those times .. Everything rocked back then, the clothes, music, tv shows, the big hair,food etc…

  8. I attended junior high school and high school in the 1980's and loved it. Creativity was at its peak. I feel sorry for today's teens. Smartphones and social media have ruined adolescence.

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