AYG comedy podcast presents (from the Patreon archive) stand up comic and podcast host Ian Fidance. You know Ian Fidance …
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If you guys like this show, got to drop the cash for the patreon. Between the bonus episodes and the hard feelings, it’s amazing. Proud to support the hardest working podcasters in the game
Not bear eyes it’s beaver tail
Look how different Foley was a year ago!
Jonny Knoxville has a WAWA’S tattoo, need him IMMEDIATELY bozos
wild turkeys only good in a glass
The last two minutes!!

Nothing's working
you guys are the best
The art of leaving your friends hanging /breaking balls is in full effect. The fact that they are all professional comedians is too perfect
Ian is such a fun time. He is the best dude
Ian and H swapping facial hair is not my favorite.
No more flesh tone shirts please
“Don’t leave uncle Ian alonne wit da kids ok” old yetta voice
Love seeing Stavros guest host
Just watched this zombie episode. I was crying laughing. Foley looks harsh in this one..hilarious. binging the rest on auto play
Good memories Heads up 7 up !!! To be fair we all were young once lol
Foley looks the roughest here
looks like his name is lawerence LMAOO
At one point Ian sang “riff killer! Riff killer” like ice t screaming cop killer
ian’s energy is so great. his on stage energy is the same, just completely unleashed. it’s truly a spectacular
"Can anyone spell Bay of Pigs"
"That wasn't Italian…you're thinking of Bayonne"
The genuine (and 100% justified) SHOCK on kippies face when he said PA was trashier than Delaware
Ian needs to be a permanent fixture
buttons blows
Whoa, Foley has the "shady 80's cop who has a heart of gold" drip going hard here!
Ian maybe the most fucked up and most likeable dude around. Met him on cumtown learned to love him on ayg
The boys that hit, hit hard. The bits that miss, hit even harder.
You three need your own separate pod. Shit you need to take over the comedy world. Nothing…nothing compares to the laugh out loud riffs. It physically hurts. In a fantastic way.
Ian episodes are the fucking best
Holy God these pods with Ian always devolve into uncontrollable laughter especially towards the end I'm fuckin dying

In 5th grade we went to the museum of science and technology and our school couldn't afford the price for us to go to a special anatomy exhibit so we had to go to the fuckin VIDEO GAMES THROUGHOUT HISTORY EXHIBIT!!!! every video game ever made from any country and we got to play for an hour and a half.
Toby killed it with Ian being a
'party sub'
I love Uncle Hank–we all do–but was he LARPing as a l#sbi@n art teacher? What was with the hair?
Thomas Jefferson gave it its nickname because it was a jewel of a state due to its strategic location on the eastern seaboard
Their best guest.
This show is like the new Crabfeast in the best way. If you boys reunited Larson and Sickler, holy SHIT

This shows got me going through da roof. And my girlfriend hates. So win win
Amish Patreon numbers?… True da fucking A frame roooof
15:55 I ask you”what kind of teacher are you?” I feel sorry for all those children that failed under your watch
I’ve always known that the public school system is teeming with systemic racism
you just put your foot in your mouth
That BBQ comment killed me
Glad t bone is a part of the show. His stand up is fantastic
He’s dropped in a few times at a local spot, always kills it
Foley lookin like Magnum P.I.E.
I went on 2 separate field trips to a prison in NJ. scared safe baby!
How many times are you guys going to make the same joke? Jesus Christ
You three are insane funny. Love you guys.
A tight peach colored t shirt on a beefy boy is a real choice…u gotta love the guy right????
As someone whos been to neither. Pennsylvania is much trashier.