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50 thoughts on “Animal Stories From A Pro Car Inspector

  1. Whats the name of the auto restoration dealer that he mentioned? Im interested in seeing what he has for sale. Would love to hear more stories from this guest! Has a great vibe 🔥 🔥

  2. Forgive me Lord, Black man mentions his ankle bracelet and can't run , the first thing I thought was why does he have a police ankle monitor on..
    Then I see the picture of the intended ankle "brace"

  3. There was a smell we had to follow in a car that came into a body shop. Smelled the first time it was crashed and still did the second time. After an hour it was determined the owner let their kids defecate in the stow and go of their Dodge Journey… and did nothing. Ever. For months. Fun.

  4. 4:40 this is why if you want a tough dog get a Doberman or a Rottie. Friend gave me a amstaff puppy in my early twenties. Despite treating it like a golden retriever and spending thousands on training; that stupid thing had to be crated whenever I had company. When it's clearly pitbull bloodsports instincts kicked in; there was nothing I could do to stop it. Managed to have it for 10 years with no major incidents, but never ever again. Because bullies breeds all look so alike, and the shelters have been going mad sloppy with breed naming; it's a like playing russian roulette with 4 out of the six chambers loaded that you will get one with fighting line blood in it. Puppy or adopted adult; doesn't matter.

  5. I'll say it. Anyone who endeavors in this career or repo world should do their utmost to obtain an concealed carry permit. Never trust anyone else for your personal safety.

  6. my philosophy on searching for and buying any used car 8+ years old:
    replace every fluid and filter
    expect to replace brakes and tires and hoses (brake hoses specifically)
    I'd rather it had bald tires and worn brakes, and I get to put on what I want, instead of someone tossing some crap tires and pads on there and wanting the massive markup for it.
    it's going to need a good cleaning no matter what. Dirty just means lower purchase price.

    needs plugs or O2 sensors? awesome
    Hell a blown (manual) clutch? perfect! even cheaper.
    water pumps, engine/trans mounts, depending on if their a pain to do (I only buy cars I know I can work on), broken doesn't bother me.

    Like Ed says, find the worst example of the best car at the perfect price.
    As this gentleman said, expect to put a grand or so into it, and you're likely to come out with a good car that'll last a good while.

  7. I'm a car inspector in France but I guess it's a translation issue because my work is different than his on some points, it's closer to an MOT in the UK here.

    Anyway I've also had a couple of animals encounter (mainly dogs, appart from a living duck in the trunk of a car wich in itself is quite the story) wich always make me happy as long as I'm aware before getting in the car

    One time I had to do an emission test, so I hop into the car without paying attention to what's inside since it should be empty. Out of the corner of my eye I see a black shadow coming over my shoulder and at the same time I feel something touching it. I jumped looking back and poor dog was also scared shitless (thankfully, my sudden movement could have made him aggressive), poor thing was super cute, as an appology I spent half of the time petting him, in the end he was super happy.

    It isn't much since I'm still fairly new to the job but sometimes what you find inside and under cars are what make this job interesting. And if you follow channels like Mechanical Nightmare or Just Rolled In, we get some of those in rare occasions

  8. I was picking up an old chest freezer for a Sears customer at an isolated rural farmhouse and got chased into the back of my truck and trapped for almost 3 hours by 3 dogs. No one home to call them off, I had to wait until they lost interest.

  9. Oh my gosh, there must be something about Turkeys! This guys has some experiences lol.

    I don't remember the exact state but somewhere there's an ongoing war between a group of mail delivery persons (USPS) and a flock of wild turkeys that keeps attacking them. One mail person killed an attacking turkey while defending themselves, and now there's an investigation into the whole thing. Strange times.

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