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34 thoughts on “What Logan Paul vs Andrew Tate Really Shows Us, Elon, Twitter, AOC, Bo Burnham, Ukraine, Iran & More

  1. Theoretically he'll be imprisoned for life. There are instances of absolute monsters sentenced to life in prison being released only to commit more murders. I hope some of the decent people doing time in the prison he's sent to (and yes, whether due to a false conviction, unfortunate circumstances resulting in the commission of their crime, or even reforming themselves in prison – there are decent people in there) take it upon themselves to prevent that possibility by maybe giving him a helping hand with his suicide… or maybe he trips and falls face first into some sort of long, sharp object like 27 times. I try to avoid judging people that killed someone because I don't know what the circumstances were, but there's really no circumstances that could explain nearly 20 people losing their lives (short of the victim of a mob attack defending themselves – but even then I can't imagine it would have taken killing 17 and injuring 17 more before the attack stopped

  2. dude I play n replay yt vids when Im tryyying to wake up and the best thing about it is catching shit I didn’t before: like that smartbundle sponsorship! That’s exactly the kinda thing I’ve been looking for!! &ur saving my ass with the Flaviar sub😅 what a GREAT gift😊😊

  3. All the money politicians make and now we need to pay for there security…ok so fuck the schools security, let's keep old people safer.

  4. Nothing is free on this planet anymore.
    Even oxygen is for sale.

    When they said they will fight for free.
    Only the gullible and stupid ones will believe their B***S***.

  5. To be fair, logan vs tate would be great. Make him come to the states, then arrest him and ship him to the uk to face those abuse allegations he’s on the run from! Or he gets emasculated by logan paul. I guarntee tate cant fight. He’s all talk. Who wouldnt wanna get paid to beat up andrew tate?

  6. Along with the shooter, the officer that stood outside the school and listened to those kids getting killed and did nothing has saw almost no repercussions of his cowardice. DeSantis had him arrested immediately after taking office, but the officer was released due to the Supreme Court ruling that police don't have any obligation to protect you. I'm surprised that those who made their statements didn't mention him as well.

  7. Ok. So he compared an active fucking warzone to essentially the town next to mine, he then followed that up by "people are gonna have ptsd" LOL BRO SO WHAT ABOHT THE PEOPLE THAT LIVE IN CHICAGO? FUCKEM. MORE POLICE. LESS MENTAL HEALTH HELP. DUHHHH.

  8. I feel like the subscription on twitter would make sense for the "famous" people they were intended for. It's people who can afford it and the ones that need the extra security like that

  9. one of my ukrainian friends whos brother is fighting atm tells me its not going to be till spring next year at the earliest before they get power back to normal and thats asuming nothing else bad happens

  10. With all this crisis happening around the world today one needs to have different portfolio,I already invested in forex and crypto which are really profitable.

  11. Psilocybin has been a lifesaver for me. Tried ever drug and nothing really helped, but psilocybin completely flipped a switch on my thinking. Highly recommend.

  12. I very much disagree with Bo here. I get that the internet fucks up people but with the attention economy I think is more a response to how all this free entertainment can make money. Also I'm less bothered by ads than old cable TV days, more control to what I watch too.

  13. Im not a fan of some of the shit Andrew says, but to be deplatformed was a cowardly move on social medias part. If parents and teachers are so afraid of him being a bad influence, then it's THEIR job to out influence him. If you have people your child has never met that hold your child's attention more than you, you failed as a parent and it's no one else's fault but yours

  14. Ofcourse logan flip flopped he only cares about money not some b.s. moral obligation. I have no interest in another fake fight from either paul brother. Only children are gullible enough to believe their fights arent scripted.

  15. anyone who harms children and women will have a hard time in prison since a lot of inmates despise thos who do such crimes the state won't get him but the general population in prison will.

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