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Doug from @switchcars tells a story of trolling a Countach kit car owner that refuses to admit it is fake.
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That guy was an absolute tool bag
No shame in owning a kit but lying about it? That’s a low character.
It's a TransLambo
There’s no such thing as “my truth” or “your truth” just THE truth.
kit cars when done right are pretty cool.
entertaining story but that was a lot of effort to get your pound of flesh.
I love this channel but man I don’t know who was more of a clown in this story…. Definitely should have left your wife out of this one Doug.Hopefully she never saw this video
May have destroyed some one's dream he knew it was a kit car no need hit him hard with the truth, it seemed to work pulling the ladies, now he probably feels shit knowing he works hard 50 hours a week doing a shit job for shit money like working in a hospital helping others and knowing he had something to look forward to after work,(NOW THAT HAS GONE) THAT'S GREAT SMASHING BRILLIANT JUST HOPE YOU NEVER GET INTO A SITUATION WHERE THERE IS NO LAMBO ( BY THE WAY IT LOOKS NOWT LIKE A LAMBO JUST A CRAP KIT CAR)

Doug is such a good guy, he hunted this guy down to shame him but in the nicest/ classiest way humanly possible, Kudos to Doug /SwitchCars
What’s with the random unrelated photos that flash up here and there
This is outstanding. As an educated and experienced car guy myself (albeit domestic U.S. vehicles with a concentration on GM [more specifically Corvettes and Blazer/Jimmy’s]) I love this. I’m not a troll and tend to let people believe as they wish, however if someone tries to challenge me such as this fellow challenged you I-like Doug-assure they will lose.
Hell, I even called Rabbit out in the comments once on a first-gen Blazer he claimed to be an OG 2wd Blazer with leafs in the rear… I owned [and under COVID debt regrettably sold] an original ‘72 2wd GMC Jimmy vin TCE_______. I merely stated OG first-gen 2wd Blazer/Jimmy’s came with the three link/truck arm/coil suspension, and that I had photo proof of the chassis. **No response**
Disclaimer: I absolutely adore Rabbit and by no means think he was trying to pull the blinders on someone. Those 2wd Blazer/Jimmy’s are SO unbelievably rare (especially GMC’s; less than 950 ever made in ‘72) that he may have miss-spoke or (gasp) not known.
Anyway, good on you Doug.
There’s nothing worse than someone who is fake or trying to gain status on fake foundations.
If you’ve got a kit car, just own it and proudly state, “yeah it’s not a Lambo (or insert manufacturer), but it sure is fun and chicks love it.”
Point being kids: know who you are, what you are, what you have, and own it. People appreciate authenticity much more than transparent facades.
My garage:
‘55 Chevy Sedan Delivery, fully restored
‘69 Stingray coupe
‘86 C10 2wd/short bed/regular cab/factory A/C
‘86 GMC S15 2wd shortbed/regular cab/base model (AM-only radio, 2.5/4sp, manual brakes/steering)
‘92 GMC Sonoma 2wd shortbed /regular cab, 2.8/5 speed, all available options
‘96 Corvette LT4/6sp, spare tire delete, daily driver 50k miles (purchased two years ago with 16k miles) black on black
‘04 Silverado SS w/ factory 4:10 gears.
My Toyota 4Runner identifies as a Saleen S7
I know this is a fairly good story but he put so much effort into messing with guy with kit car…who cares if he clowned u or whatever…..I would just laugh and walk home.. too much effort to make a frivolous point.
So he admits to drinking and then driving his clients Lamborghini around. I wonder how they feel now knowing that he was drunk the day he wanted use their Lamborghini to make someone jealous. And it speaks volumes to have to borrow something from someone else to make someone else jealous. To me it seemed he was jealous of the kit car because he didn't have a Lamborghini much less and fake one.
Lol why is everybody mad that he called a kit car a kit car. Do y'all have one?
I see this car every summer driving around looks like a clown driving around in a clown car I always honk the horn and laugh at him!!!
I’m not sure who’s more full of themselves…
This whole video, both parties, is everything that’s wrong with society. One guy needing to pretend to impress people. The other needing to prove him wrong to impress people.
Shoulda pulled up in the real lambo
This guy has the attitude of he wanted to tell him off about his kit car on purpose
Of course he said “yo the white kit car…”

Saw an edited version of the video on Facebook but did not get to finish it so here I am.
No you don't need to acknowledge it as a Lambo because he identifies it as one.. for the same reason as if he put on a dress and cut his tweeter off, he would still be a man in a Fiero with an identity crisis..
Kit cars are fucking fun. Pretending your kit car is real, is sad. If he just said it was a kit to start with, he might have gotten "positive" reviews…
He's just trying tonget laid..lmao…probably got a few chicks…heheh…God bless him!
Dougs wife needs to be featured on this channel!
I drive a honda civic but it identifies it self as a rolls royce car lol
This needs to be animated lmao
I needed a Silkwood Shower after this video. There are no winners, here.
This arrogant stalker is why I unsubscribed. Also, you claim to be a Christian yet your actions are of the world. “Easier for a camel to pass through a needle‘s eye than a rich man to inherit God‘s kingdom.”
His sandals…ugh
Even got wife's permission to own him. Nice
The owner purchased it from ebay, I remember seeing it on there.
I know Doug has to know of the old man in the area he's in that drove a white Countach kit around in the late 90's early 00's. I Used to see him changing his shoes before he got back into his 4 cylinder fiero based countach kit in the Marc's parking lot all the time lolololololololol. I wonder if this is the same guy…..
I bet he doesn't identify it as a Lamborghini to his insurance agent. $$$
moral of the story…doug's wife is the real hero of this story.
So… after making it your life’s mission to get this guy to admit his heap of parts is a kit car, you conclude that if he identifies it as a Lamborghini, then you have to as well because it’s his truth? Wow. This is liberal apogee – an unreasonable amount of effort to own and embarrass the guy wrapped up in a Hallmark card sentiment about his truth. Delivered wearing your douchebag beard and sandals.
Couldn't listen til the end
I don't know why people take a perfectly good Fiero and spend a bunch of money turning it into a monstrosity like that "5000 QV". Spend the cash fixing the suspension issues, toss a 3800 or an LS in the back, and if you so desire spruce up the outside with some tasteful modifications. You can turn those things into really great cars for the same money or maybe less than what it costs to make them into a 308 or a Countach that looks like they have an extra chromosome. You'll have something people will praise instead of something people will mock.
Seems strange to go that much out of your way to prove a point…like you have an insecurity.
This guy went to a person's house for pretty much the sole purpose of berating a guy with a kit car who dared to have it in his neighborhood.
Went to a small car show that DID have a category for kit car but DIDNT have an exotic category?
Stalked a man for who knows how long just to try and get this guy to say it wasn't a real Lamborghini.
How did this man hurt you that bad Mr Karen?