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So excited to be releasing this line up…100% federally legal!

We started planning this drop months ago…seeing HHC Concentrates is unreal…YouTube please be chill about this video…’s legal 👍🏼
Thank you all for supporting The Dopest Shop…it’s been unreal so far and can’t wait for what’s to come!!!

Thank you all for watching The Dopest HHC Concentrates
#TheDopest #DopeAsYola #HHC


Dope As Yola

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Dope As Yola

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35 thoughts on “The Dopest HHC Concentrates – DopeasYola

  1. Straight fucking gas I love the venom og diamonds, I got the venom og cart too it’s 🔥. The edible didn’t really get me high but I’ve never got high from a edible so that just might be me

  2. Just got the venom og diamonds and put it on the Girl Scout cookies pre roll, ngl got me pretty high and I got a hella high tolerance but this shit Is good💯100% recommend

  3. Yoooo I got some of the papaya budder and it doesn’t look like budder it looks like sauce and smells like pine, please tell me it doesn’t have pine tar or some other cut

  4. All I can say is you really did some dope shit with everything from the product to the fuckin packaging been watching you forever and its cool af to see where you are now fr the DOPEST

  5. Just watchin these old vids. I’m ngl not to dick ride, but your shit has the absolute BEST terps I’ve ever had. No other altnoid company has the terps down like your shit. The venom, gmo, pie hoe, fucking top notch.

    Edit: just to add to this. I had a coworker rip the venom. He had no clue it wasn’t straight from a dispensary.

  6. I tried the budder and it was better than anything else I've tried. Way better than that liquid shit like you said. Also loved your comment about customer service. Seen so many of my bosses act nice to a costumer and say "yeah right motherfucker" behind their back.

  7. Im not the biggest dabber. I love taking snaps honestly. But my favorite consistency of wax is budder so im really glad you did that lmfao.

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