Ron Funches excitedly chats about the things he loves, including professional wrestling, vision board parties, “The Great British Baking Show” and weed. (Contains strong language.)
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Original airdate: January 4, 2019
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I am probably old enough to be the white version of Ron's mother. And that's okay. I laughed and laughed at this show.
I could see myself hanging out with Ron. We have many things in common. I love positivity, I love to laugh, I love to smoke pot, I love children, I love wrestling and boxing. I, too, lost 150 pounds. And yes, in my younger days, I made vision boards.
I sure hope to run across more of your work, Ron. I am quartined tonight, due to having COVID. It was great to be cheered up and laugh! Thank you.
Man this show was way better live, the stuff that was cut about his mom with the Rock and LeBron was so funny
Mazel Tov
It's rare I dont like a comedy special, but this one is two thumbs down, not even a wriggle of smile from me.
Wtf it's on YouTube why we got commercial cuts
48:05 is that VideogameDunky in the crowd?
Boyance if you will, Ron
If Rick flair gave me a pep talk like that I would be sooooooo happy
Here from Hiking with Kevin. This guy is great.
Love this! More comedy that's not about politics or religion please!!!
One of the best I've seen lately. So funny
He’s giving me Forrest Gump vibes & I love it!

What a fucking brilliant human being amazing
He's too docile. Dry bar. Docile. Non offensive. Just not funny.
This man is SO PRETTY!
I loved this set, but now I'm struggling to rationalize how Ron could actually be blissfully unaware of the dark truths on several subjects discussed, including the title of the special. I mean, who is laughing at who, and about what here. My man, you should've just worn a red shoe at this point.
I love this man so much. He is a dear sweet man and great comedian.
Ric flair drip go WOOO on a bih
RIP Takeoff 
Btw, I really missed you since @midnight
Looking high and tight, Ron. That was nice of Mulaney to tickle your neck while he took your wrastlin' jacket off
This guy is wild funny lol
This is what you get when you leave a microphone in a corn field.
21:54 That is the most adorable noise made since the beginning of time.
It’s funny because Rupaul’s Drag Race hadn’t had fist fighting since season four
Ron Funches is very funny.
I still know the intro song to the wishbone series
I can't remember how I discovered this guy…I think it was from the DC show about people who repair damage done by Superheroes with Vanessa Hudgins. He is hilarious and I've loved him in everything Ive seen.
dudes literally a mix of chris rock and an extremely flamboyantly, annoying, gay chris rock
Did he mean “PAWGs” or “POGs”???
Hey Comedy Central! At least have the decency to edit out the commercial transitions & give us a seamless video.
If we were all more like Ron Funches the world would be a better place
Mane lost me with the rock joke
You could be dead inside and this man's smile will still warm your soul
watched the entire special. laughed twice
I wish I could smoke and mumble into a microphone lol
I would wake up in the middle of the night and think to myself Ron Funches had to be part of the 1961 production of Stan Freeburg Presents the United States of America.
But he's just 25-40 years too young.
I like that a lot of these things made their way into Harley Quinn
The chant in the candle circle….
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
This video is region locked just in case they wondering why they've capped the views on this video
It was a long way to go for, "rock bottom", but it was worth it.
It's the robe for me!!!!
The lack of material genuine hardship, truth, things we can all relate too was drastically missing along with controversial subjects that dare to tackle sincere issues were facing from a comedic stand point!!! Simply Horrible couldn’t force myself to laugh if a million was on the line. Couldn’t perform in a urban club
Funches is my role model. I strive to be as positive and comfy as this dude. He just emanates good energy
That intro was cringey.
I can't tell if he's gay or straight, not that it really matters but just curious.
I'm glad Ric Flair lived long enough to be there for Ron.