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29 thoughts on “Pimpin Ken on Being a Legendary Pimp, How He Got His First Girl & More – No Jumper

  1. What a messed up world where a man who admits to being a thief, cheat and sex trafficker is celebrated like some sort of hero. This is the mentality that is fucking up so many young men – here's a thought, if "all you know" is to be a gangster/hustler/player, then maybe it's time to look for some different role models. It genuinely makes me sad that an educated black man who manages to escape the hood is treated like some sort of square, while the guy who is LITERALLY TRAFFICKING WOMAN for money gets some ghetto form of respect.

    There is no respect in exploiting vulnerable people for monetary gain. You can talk about bitches "having hustle and gangster in them", but at the end of the day, you are facilitating selling someone for sex, and then taking some (or all) of their money. A pimp is akin to modern day slavery. Some of you are going to say that there are "Good pimps who treat their hoes well" – if the benchmark for treating someone well is not beating them, then that's a pretty fucking low bar.

    PS: All this talk of being gangster, but I would love to see how many of these guys are down for a straight up fade.

  2. As soon as someone says they like reading and they say 48 laws of power ,art of war, and then Machiavelli I know they full of shit and aren't actual avid readers those are the books every prisoner reads and quotes when asked if they read lol. I was raised around pimps and macs I'm from the bay so I use to look up to them but the older I get the more I realize they are grown children with ego issues and constantly need their ego validated I still do like certain aspects of pimpology, IZM, and mastering the art of communication(MAC) dancing with words and making art out of it and I like concept of logical wealth stability over emotional irrationality aka letting lust and emotions overtake your ability to be man and be practical and having self respect.

  3. I like this Sharp. The yelling, talking over and insulting guest ain't it. Other than that, Sharp has star qualities and I hope he goes far! Honestly….he should start his own channel and podcast, he probably have a million subs within a couple of months.

    Edit: that lady next to pimpin ken is gorgeous.

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