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We hear from a caller that after numerous red flags has reason to believe her ex-boyfriend is a cannibal. She tells us in detail about the uncomfortable events that lead to this theory.

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Lyle Forever

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Lyle Forever

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36 thoughts on ““MY EX MIGHT BE A CANNIBAL” – Therapy Gecko

  1. Demented ass people. He has the potential of being a legitimate serial killer. Reminds me of the Armie Hammer leaks
    How do people even get to that point??

  2. honestly she should file a report or something. doctors hold a lot of power, what if he suggests an unecessary amputation just to get his fix. he is avoiding her for a reason. he feels like he was found out and i really think it would be the more responsible thing to have a paper trail. tell the school admins or someone so that they are aware.

  3. My big question is whether or not the biting was consensual! Especially the blood part, if she didn’t want that. I think its different if it’s a kink and someone else likes that, but uh not without consent

  4. So he's interested in eating people and a medical student.. Does no one see a problem???
    Doctors are inherently psychopaths but they're not that open about it jfc

  5. that is a strange situation… biting her to the point of bleeding is a red flag if I've ever seen one. Just that should be enough to say goodbye

  6. Can't believe I've been shamed by a gecko for being VERY curious about what humans taste like. I have no interest in drinking blood nor have I ever told someone I want to eat them and now I never will. Thanks Gecko!

  7. This channel is seriously amazing and Lyle is wonderful. Its funny, wholesome, informative and humbling all at the same time. Hearing stories from people can be so relaxing and inspiring.

    Such a unique and special channel

  8. Holy shit I hope she’s safe in the future, a lot of serial killers have an interest in becoming doctors for how the knowledge can help them 😥

  9. Given all the information about the situation im pretty confident in assuming he has a genuine interest in cannibalism. I feel like he probably hasnt actually done anything to anyone yet but the potential is there. Im worried if he ever acts on these urges that he may have more confidence and could always find Shay since they live and go to school in the same place. I think she needs to be really careful. Hopfully nothing comes of it, but i would be on guard until one of us moved 100% lol

  10. Why is no one talking about how this dude is in medical school and fantasizes about eating people he for sure is going to take a bite out of some poor person under anesthesia

  11. I think realistically he is not a bad guy if he just has a really weird fetish, except maybe for the really hard biting. I think if He has this fetish and he could be more open about it, it might let him find an outlet that would not hurt anyone like roleplaying somehow or something like that. I think this is a rather obscure fetish but more likely as a sexual fetish rather than an actual real desire to eat people. It should go without saying if he has a real desire to eat people or does not understand the difference between his fantasy and reality the girl should stay away from him (I don't think him biting her way too hard is necessarily not understanding the difference between fantasy and reality as much as it is a person who can not talk to anyone about this wanting his fetish to be introduced into the bedroom and doing it in a really bad way because he can not talk about boundaries because he can not talk about it at all). I feel bad for the guy and I feel bad that he now will feel even more like he can never bring it up with anyone. I hope he finds a girl who will accept him and talk with him about this fetish so that they can set up some real boundaries for what she is ok with and what he would be able to tolerate himself doing and from there on go on to live a happy life.
    I think the girl should reach out and explain that the fetish itself is not bad unless you introduce it to people in such a terrible way and basically say that he just freaked her out by not explaining if it was a fetish or not.

  12. I love how normally it's a better idea to explain what went wrong in a relationship after it's been broken up. However in this situation I think that dude definitely knew what went wrong there 🤣

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