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A caller tells us about the secret his father kept from his family for their entire life before revealing it on his deathbed.

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Lyle Forever

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Lyle Forever

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45 thoughts on ““MY DAD HAD A SECRET” – Therapy Gecko

  1. Jude was annoying asf, like stfu when the geck is talking. It's his own damn fault that he puts up with his "girlfriend" raping him with gummy worms or whatever. Just leave her… and it IS that easy 🙄

  2. i thought people slowed down going by a cop because it’s the law for their safety (you should switch lanes to be further from the shoulder if you can do so safely)

  3. butt gummy worm guy is just a lazy turd. He has 0 excuse to allow it. He's lying or just wants to be a victim. Regardless of any reasons he seems pretty pathetic and not someone I could even come close to tolerate being around. I don't feel like I could say this to a woman but I feel like I can man to man say that guy is essentially enabling a sexual abuser by allowing it so lazily and uncaringly.

  4. I kinda wish he has asked Joe about what it was like when his dad finally died. did it happen right in front of him? was it on the beach? how did he transport the body back home or what? super curious.

  5. Hey gek, if you see this… If you need an ear with no judgement or comentary just call me up. I'm here for you man, like you are for everyone else. DM for me a chat. Seriously.

  6. SMH. My wife couldn't force me to wash dishes if she wanted to. So If I didn't want a sour patch kid or a gummy worm, I'm not getting it. Someone tell Jude that there are lots of other single women out here. Tons of them. You always have options Jude! Even if you have to be single for a little while. EDIT: I dont think this is a real thing. But i think anyone in an abusive relationship should seek therapy. And believe that they can do better and they deserver better than being abused.

  7. Thursday, if you’re reading this – if you’re looking for human teeth and other oddities, tattoo expos and conventions as well as oddity conventions are the way to go.

  8. I would love to see some collaboration with the HealthyGamer guy. Maybe just having him on the show or you showing up on his. It could open the door to getting some of these people who might need some genuine help some affordable options and attention through his organization.

  9. The young guy's story is so sad. What he is experiencing is coerced sexual intercourse he is literally being raped and emotionally abused. Hope he gets out of there. He is so young he has his whole life ahead of him

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