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In this one we talk about some new DANK edibles from Delta Extrax! time for lights out!

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Trav's Dabs

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40 thoughts on “LIGHTS OUT!! | Delta Extrax NEW High Potency Gummy Review – Travsdabs

  1. They changed the product I just ordered this. It now only has 5mg of Delta 9 not 10mg. It increased from 2500mg to 3500mg. It also increased from 125mg to 175mg. I don't know if they changed the amounts of the other cannabinoids because I don't know what the amounts were. I can't compare the effects between the two because I've never tried this original one.

  2. Im a heavy smoker iv only had a few edibles but i have a very high tolerance for normal flower and iv recently bought these gummies so how many do yall think i should take i ate 4 of them 3 hours ago and haven't felt anything

  3. I did them, it was my first time ever trying any drug or anything like it. I took one of the purple ones at 10, didn't feel anything and decides to go for half of the red ones . 2 hours later my heart was pulsating faster and faster, my brain exploding with every nerve signal. I was shaking and didn't even know they had w33d in it so when I noticed that my eyes turns red I was definitely into it already. Everything went down by 2pm but then hours later started to feel it again. I think the effects were more harsh on me because it was my first time but it felt great. Dangerous for the heart beating and the blood pressure but everything else was good and a great experience. Would not recommend doing it if it's your first time andyou want something calmed though.

  4. Looked this up before popping a sour peach one. Mixing it with gg4 ghost delta 9. Thank you for a detailed honest review and educating me on some things I never knew!

  5. So I just bought these and I got hyped up that they were super strong. I had been taking 125 mg delta 8 gummies twice a day and that has been getting me in a perfect balanced high. I thought maybe I could eat these at night to get really high before bed, however these barely work on me, I eat two and all I feel is a head buzz and a stomach ache. It sucks because I paid more for these than my delta 8 gummies and those get me way higher. Also, my friend bought the same thing the same day and ate 4 cause they werent working for him either. Did this happen to anyone else?

  6. 3:36 this is the funniest shit ever. Dude came back stoned as shit, could barely get those first few words out hahaha. Just bought a bottle of the root beer gummies. Can’t wait

  7. I am considering on creating a self made study on rats with these new alternative cannabinoids.. I will have a control group, delta 9 thc group and a THJCD, THCH and THCP group. The rats will be given these daily for one month, then results will be taken, such as vitals. Finally, I am going to stop giving the rats THCs and assess their cognitive abilities to ensure that these cannabinoids do not cause brain damage due to them hitting the CB1 receptor harder. The danger of spice and other synthetic cannabinoids is due to their high CB1 receptor affinity. We have little to know knowledge of how hard hitting these cannabinoids are.

  8. These are my favorites!! Only Edibles ive felt anything from, even like 200mg pure D9 didn't get me high6, these do… I took 2 at one time and forgot about it, and kinda freaked out. Lol

  9. Great Review!
    These are my current favorites. #1 Purple Berry, #2 Sour Peach then #3 Root Beer Float.
    Delta Extrax makes some good edibles.
    I've also been enjoying their Delta 9 live resin Caribbean Cool and surprisingly, I'm really loving their strongest Delta 8 Empire Extract collaboration (sour pinapple) @ 100mg per gummy.

  10. They have 100mg of THC 8 per gummy. I enjoy them, yet prefer taking THC 9. Three pieces of an Extrax Dark Chocolate bar before the gym had been my go to for the last few days.

  11. Bro you have the most honest yet informative reviews. Really appreciate you. Only watched two videos but you seem like a trustworthy source🤙 I just bought these for vacay in a couple weeks, super stoked

  12. Hey this is only my second video of yours but wow, this is defo my favorite review channel, I feel so informed and you’re so well organized. I also love Delta Extrax, so this is perfect. I’ll recommend you to my husband.

  13. oh man…these would literally kill me lmfao I'm very early on in my cannabinoid experience and these are probably not for me. I'd be out of commission for like a week if I took this. lol

  14. I got the sour peach when they came out, and I usually go hard with gummies. I made the mistake of eating 3 of them when I first got them because I wanted to just be absolutely blasted on my couch. I was high all through the following day.

  15. Hey Trav…….great review. I really like them as well. Like you said….cerebral and quite different. Almost finished the Root Beer (love them), next will be the Berry and Peach flavors. Will you review their Lights Out vapes as well? Saw True Review review one and it knocked him out! LOL

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