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In this episode the FTS boys talk with vinceandweed about legalization in Germany! Where do you live and how are the laws in your area? Let us know in the comments below!


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From The Stash

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42 thoughts on “Legalization In Germany? – From the Stash Podcast Ep. 90

  1. I'm thankful… For those that have come before me, as well as listening further before commenting.
    Decriminalization is still better than legalization.
    And true free people don't ask permission.

  2. Possession of cannabis is punishable as an administrative offence, if it is intended for personal consumption, limited to 25 g of flower, 2.5 g of cannabis, 5 g of hashish and 2.5 g of cannabis oil. The limits are defined by 10 daily doses and if they are exceeded it is considered a crime, which can be drug consumption or drug trafficking.

    Cannabis use in Portugal was decriminalized from 1 July 2001, in a law passed by Parliament.
    For some “outside” companies is legal to plant 🌱 for exportation lol. ?? Why ?! Its simple because the goverment is getting big big money !!
    Big corruption in Portugal 🇵🇹

  3. Almost closed the show when dude said Canada is the model government for the world. Like how Trudeau handled the trucker protest???? So don’t allow peaceful protests in a model democracy!?!?!? No!!!!!

  4. Any normal minded person knows that whatever it may be big company is always going to strangle access to ppl and capitalism of it as well as monopoly of it and any tech they can steal they will and anyone that believes anything but that is a moron and selling ur souls can come in many forms.

  5. This nightmare n coming to a country n town near you steal all your techniques and family secrets just to use them against us no thanks I don't care that much about popularity then to do any this online I appreciate the ppl I do but the powerfully w crush the small and use the very thing you love to screw you.

  6. The gateway drugs are those prescribed in doctor's office setting mental health so on make ppl more easy handle take care of one wake up one to sleep one to be happy one to do that one to stop side effects of the other n none stop nightmare if you ask me honestly that is the truth weather you wanna hear it or not.

  7. Lived in Germany for two years and I smoked some great weed but also had some sketchy experiences. Hopefully they can fully legalize. Mad love for Deutschland. Another great episode from the crew 🤙

  8. Hey Chris there was one thing you said that was wrong.. you said the government is split , Democrats have Congress and Republicans have the Senate… the real truth is : The Democrats control all Branches of our Government right now .. the Presidency, Congress and the Senate with the VP Democrat as the tie breaker. So if the Liberal party wants to pass legalization it could but it’s not . They both use it as a football.

  9. As a german im new to this channel coming from vince :p also i have to say: atm, the police is really strict mostly in the country side but in the cities they dont seem to care, but we nees infinite freedom and checked quality 🙏

  10. Chris that was nuts. Quiet the hole time and then bam. Pigeons, you were great and Rob is still crushing it. Just say the weed review on you other channel. I'm enjoying the Jinyxproof stuff im ruinning. very fruity and tasty. Vince thanks for all the info on the Germans. 😄

  11. Yet again great podcast .and great guest .unfortunately legalisation here in n.ireland will hardly happen in my lifetime .But feck em keep on growing .home grown best

  12. excellent podcast lads! thoughrly enjoyed that, very interesting and informative.
    I do hope Germany gets it right, just as they do with their cars, hopefully it's the 1st domino in the EU. the rest should follow.

  13. I wish the term 'legal cannabis' had been discussed fully and properly. 'Legal cannabis' is a misnomer in law and fact. So called legalization in Canada was a complete sham and actually meant the government creating a fraudulent corporate monopoly under the lies that cannabis is a dangerous drug and needs strict regulation – while they still criminalize other Canadians for doing the exact same (safe) activity of growing and selling….so we never got 'legalization' in Canada despite what you hear.

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