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A caller tells me he accidentally threw away his sister’s roommate’s dad’s ashes and is receiving angry messages from the family. He talks with me on the phone as a way to procrastinate on dealing with the situation and facing up to them.

Then a caller tells me about his recurring hallucinations and how they relate to his fear of being perceived. After that a woman tells me about her desire to cheat on her partner and a final caller debates pressing charges on her uncle for crimes he’s committed against the family.

Send me a picture of a tennis ball on Instagram (@lyle4ever) if you actually read these descriptions. I am a gecko.

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Lyle Forever

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Lyle Forever

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42 thoughts on ““I THREW SOMEONE’S ASHES AWAY” – Therapy Gecko

  1. Third caller will cheat on her bf. WILL CHEAT. Its just a question of when. If u have urges they won’t go away. They will get worse. Don’t fuck this man over and break his heart. Especially when you know it’s traumatized him. So fucked that u even would think to do so. If you really love him leave him. Or be loyal. It’s not that hard. Don’t break this man because you can’t keep your legs closed. Never get this angry but fuck man. Cheating is one of the most scummiest things a human being can do. Because if u cheat on someone u either don’t love them, or you are just a sociopath who doesn’t care about others feelings. You don’t actively do or think about things that you know would hurt someone you love. The idea of love is keeping that person safe physically and mentally.

  2. The third caller pissed me off so much. The fact that she says she's been happily in a relationship with this guy for 6 years and they just got engaged a year ago and she wants to spend the rest of her life with him and now for no reason she just wants to cheat on him especially when he's had it happen to him in the past is just sickening. I feel so bad for her fiance I can't believe how many people out there are just so selfish and inconsiderate to other people. The fact that she's even seriously talking about it with Lyle is just so bad to me it feels like she really wants to just do it for no reason.

  3. An eye for an eye if I was heath… promise them that when one of his parents die Shelby will then hold custody of their ashes n she can do what she wants with them. That or suicide tbh but that’s just something I would do.

  4. Hot take but I don’t really think Heath did anything wrong. I really think anyone else in his position would think the same exact thing. If there is a random unmarked box around other cleaning supplies in a dorm/apartment the last thing I would assume is that the weird dust in that box is ashes. If the mom isn’t exaggerating about the daughter being super explicit about the fact that there were ashes in there then really that’s his sister’s fault.

  5. Tbh I did this with my grandma, my mom put bit of her ashes in a salad dressing small rubber container. I didn’t know what it was so I threw it out. Granted it wasn’t all of her but let’s not put ashes in random containers 🫙 it just never works out well

  6. Heath she left her dad's ashes in a cardboard box . Never even a Urn or anything nice. How can she be mad at you when she didn't even treat her dad's ashes with dignity and pride.

  7. Jack – and anyone else in his position….. SO many people feel unsure of who they are as young adults…

    I have been very anxious in my life, but particularly between the ages of 15-25. That has massively subsided over time. Sometimes self-esteem and confidence takes time in some people, and doesn't always come as naturally. But you WILL get there. And we all have felt this way at times. And anybody who hasn't is either not human, or they're lying!

  8. Naw the step mom is wrong, she was mad at the wrong people. She should’ve been mad that her daughter didn’t let the people cleaning the place know that her dad’s ashes were in a box near cleaning supplies. Including the fact that she placed her dad’s ashes in a fucking box next to cleaning supplies. Thats the shameful part

  9. im so mad at geck for this, heath literally did nothing wrong here >:( hope he's sleeping guilt free and isn't changing his life around for a simple mistake

  10. One thing I'm curious about with Heath and the ashes is how his sister wouldn't have realized that the ashes were – in fact – ashes when her and Heath joked about the possibility. Considering that the text from her friend's mother notes that she had been informed specifically about the ashes being moved there because of the dog, I'm surprised she didn't have a eureka moment prior to tossing them.

    While I agree that the ashes should have been better stored, it may have been that it was a work in progress. Either way, Heath is definitely not in the wrong here. His sister should have realized what the ashes were and her friend should have taken more care in storing them.

  11. So considering they don't just hand you a cardboard box of your loved ones ashes (it's USUALLY in a nice hard elegant-looking box) She must have straight opened the nice box and transferred the bag into a cardboard box…. Which deepens this mystery even further and I.M.O. takes Heath off the hook even more….. ALSO: Day of- not being there to supervise…. she didn't think to send a quick "hey btw" text????????
    EDIT: OMFG I learned something new- "You will receive the ashes in a sealable container from the funeral home. If you didn’t purchase an urn, you will probably receive a cardboard box with the ashes sealed in a plastic bag. This container should not have anything in it except the ashes." …… So neither her or the step mom payed for an urn? Cmooon.

  12. The family are going through an insane amount of trauma over this, probably. Sure, it sucks to be the person who threw them out but you have to have some balls about it and just take the inevitable shit (that tbh, you do deserve). Otherwise you are a gigantic coward and prick.

  13. i’ve had to clean up vomit with the stuff he’s talking about. A more common comparison is that it looks kinda like dish detergent in the box. It’s kinda rough looking and there are clumps.

  14. I feel so bad for Heath, but that is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time.

    Also, there is absolutely no way the landfill operator is going to let a bunch of people go tromping around looking for a cardboard box. Pop pop is gone.

  15. Idt they should get married (the girl considering cheating). I get she doesn’t wanna lose this guy but she obviously doesn’t want to only fuck him for the rest of their lives and i think that’s a big enough red flag as it is. Tough situation though.

  16. 44:55 she doesn't want to ruin it. But she most likely will. Terrible. Been there. Married though. Divorced now obviously.
    She should tell him. Even if he's been through it before…

  17. To be fair heath threw away what he though was random ass cleaning supplies (which are usually kinda communal) that turned out to be ashes. If the roommate didn't want them messed with/thrown away/whatever why didn't she put them somewhere in her room or even maybe write on the box what they are?? Like why of all places the laundry room (a kinda communal space) surrounded by junk

  18. Heath – I think everyone is in the wrong here. Him for throwing away the ashes, the roommate for not at least marking the ashes, and the mother for reacting in that way. Just my two cents.

  19. I meannnn it sucks but honestly who leaves their dad's ashes in a baggie mixed in with random shit? I understand them being upset but obviously it wasn't malicious and she could have been more careful with where it was since she knew they would be cleaning the place out. Also, I feel bad for bella having to take all the heat when it was an honest mistake.

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