I discovered this hidden cave several months ago but today we get around to exploring and excavating it. Claustrophobia WRNING.
CAVING SUPPLIES: https://www.bunkerbranding.com/pages/whistlin-diesel
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At 7:13 I can't stop imagining some dude kicking your pocket at that moment…
"Ugh grOss… freakin' IDiot"
melted turtle oozing outta ur pocket
Man if this was on my property I’d dig it out and make it into a big man cave or guest house.
Damn this was only a year ago..
Stalagtites are the ones from the roof. ”Tights goes down”
You are my new favourite YouTuber now
Nutty putty cave
you look a lot like my cousin Eddie
whistlindiesel nature channel when??????????
me hiding under my parents bed for no reason
do u guys have any idea how dangerous this is
you do not want to cave on your back
top tier content
Bro I had a panic attack watching this
The ending is fax
2:45 mark lmao
had me rolling
im not a a caver but i dont think digging in a cave with no support is not the best idea? anyway love your vids hope you survive
I have claustrophobia. The cave looks sick, but I would not wanna be the one to dig that shit out. Props to you guys though that place looks sick.
what if it connects to the Marengo Cave
FBI agent be like