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34 thoughts on “How Jeff Bezos Became Public Enemy Number One

  1. I've always blamed him for destroying the economy by closing down all small businesses as well as eliminating giant stores such as Sears, Borders, Toy"R"US and many, many others. He should be paying more taxes than anyone.

  2. I had no starting reason to like or hate Bezos. But from how he ran Amazon (or permitted it to be run) I didn't like him much. What changed me to a "Bezos hater" was how he interacted with William Shatner after the space flight. Bezos didn't get it at all. You could see Shatner awaken to that fact during their conversation (that wasn't a converstation). Now I don't like Bezos at all. He's crude, impolite and self centered only.

  3. I asked Bezos for $1000. to help me with my cancer treatments, (through my uncle who grew up with Jeff for many years) and Jeff told him to tell me, to go ahead and work for his shipping facility in Newark NJ instead. I thought that was really thoughtful and nice. (Although fiction, I'm sure NOT far from a reality).

  4. I never bought and never will buy on amazon..all these voice recognition things and so on..its so so obvious..nothing is made for people.
    People just dont think ahead.
    Facebooks and all this nonsense too.
    Going of grid and far away from civilization is the only way to keep least a bit more.
    Corruption makes these people rich.
    All governments are connected with all of these people.
    There is no single billionaire who is a saint.Its not possible.And its very logical.
    But thats humans..we are just doomed.
    It is only matter of time.

  5. Its just the poor wants a piece of a pie from bezoz. Isnt that always been the case even if he worked hard for the money. Its actually unfair for bezoz that poor people thinks its unfair that he got alot of money. Amazon Workers complaining about poor conditions its another unfair whining of people. 3rd world country got more worse condition but they dont complain as much. Would love to see him switch to robots instead since the whining wont stop anyways

  6. Used to work for Uncle Jeff's Friendly Rocket Co., and it was wild to openly hear employees say on the floor how much they hate him. The entire company is one big capitalist shitshow, with all decisions being funneled through MBAs with no experience in the field, and who's singular focus is finding ways to cut costs so that they can get a bonus.

    The company's mission is to make it so millions of people live and work in space, and Jeff being one of the architects of that future should give us all pause.

  7. Coming from supposed tough background then he ought to have more sympathy for his workers and not treat them as expendable trash. Making them work long hours in squalid conditions and not paying them properly; not ventilating his "warehouses" and deciding that putting an ambulance outside as his worker drop from heat exhaustion. These are just some of the things that "good old Jeff" has done. Then in spite of reaping the benefits of the country that let him become part of 1% he shirks his tax responsibilities. These issues don't even begin to touch why he has become so hated.

  8. A smart rich lady used her credit card to buy a million dollar painting.
    She then received free flying privileges for life.
    Then she sold the painting for a profit.
    Those who have shall be given more.
    Like the rich guy who bought a bran new high end luxury sports car.
    The kind that goes up in value for collectors etc.
    He drove the car for a year then sold it for A PROFIT.
    How would you like to use the most expensive luxurious car for a year for free then sell it for a profit?
    Jesus said those who have shall be given more but those who THINK they have whatever little it is…shall lose it.

  9. If people don't like working at amazon warehouse, quit and get another job.

    Wise and successful people initiate the change, instead of complaining, whining, and rely on others to change in their favor.

  10. Demanding people to pay income taxes or hating them for not paying them is a prime example of crabs in a buckey mentality. Income tax is literally stealing money from your paycheck that was enacted through executive order for what was supposed to be a temporary emergency war fund yet it continues to this day. Taxation is theft

  11. 0:48
    You know you can be blinded by the "awesome engineering", right? And that was kinda the point: it's billionaire propaganda. It's not about "hate versus love", but the realisation of how insulting it is to have billionaires in a world with so much poverty. Equating the "haters" (and calling them haters as a blanket term) with the people loving the awesome engineering is disingenuous at best and reproducing billionaire propaganda at worst.

  12. The thing is that ALL taxes in reality customers pay. I don't like Jeff too but if he had to pay billions in taxes his services were more expensive to customers for about those billions.

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