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Another grrrreat video (as usual)Thank you for all the work, and then sharing.
All fun and games until we are literally in Terminator 12
7:08 and they could make already declasified from the competition layouts from other resources and chips forums to make the chip even more superior and alien looking
7:01 Basicly Robots making Robots!!!

5:23 And electronic engineers will be out of the job… focusing on the quality and material design department and fixing issues but no longer design and developtment of the chip
3:52 This AI is the Future and the Future is officially now… god imagine this!!! Imagine this AI go through the entire web in search for answers and put you the info into simplified articles and texts that are understandable without missing any detail Google definetly is going to domain AI sorry nvidia but Google pixels are the new guy to go when it comes to gaming and very sad cause i have a samsung phone and google dosent even pay atention to my phone anymore

It's self aware now crazy
Google is evil.
There's a problem with this: every Google product except online search related products (Google, Gmail, Chrome) has gone nowhere. Google doesn't have the proven expertise to deliver on anything else. I don't believe they're going to leapfrog Apple just because they say so.
Hell, Google search results aren't as interesting and varied as they used to be and Google Maps somehow gives worse navigation than it did over 5 years ago. I'm not buying it.
I am guessing the ‘shortage’ is the byproduct of the transition phase, from current technology / machinery to automated robots for each type of manufacturing build required. My guess
Able to talk to AI about anything except Biden laptop?
The futility is unbelievable, if you want to take pictures, nothing beats a real photographic camera.
I own a cellphone ONLY to make calls when I go out.
I like Google. I would be lying if I said that Google innovations did not improve my quality of life on a daily basis. I hope Google upholds morality and integrity. I don't want them to fail and perish for pathetic reasons.
I don't trust Google
What is this view, in the lamda presentation, of a planet half red ?! This is really virtually weird. Don't you think ?
There ain't no real AI and there ain't gonna be real AI for decades yet if ever! Where is the consciousness? Where is the independent thought? It doesn't exist and isn't possible outside of Speculative Fiction!!
Cute name, "Whitechapel" Jack the Ripper country
Very good video.
So basic questions and answers… Ask Lamda this – What color is the sky ? It will answer – Blue, than ask – And what about night ? Im completely sure it will say – About night what ? Because it forgot the context…
I like how the made the ai voice notably robot like. They don't have to fool humans, just have a conversation and thats whats important.
I find it funny that even Lambda chose to say Pluto is a planet. Viva la Pluto!
This shxt makes me think Google, Samsung, Apple and everyone else in between are really pushing the building Blocks of The Matrix lol
White chapel? Ripper made it famous. Google is uber scary company.
I really dont care about privacy. all my data already on internet anyway: Phone number, contacts, location, image, my interest, my job… we are too late too think about it
Kill it. It's got your privacy, now it's coming for IRL YOU.
Google needs to be destroyed
We don't need bigger tech conglomerates.
I saw this really cool documentary about this… wait that was the Terminator movies Nvmd.
I was one of the first Google fans back in the day. One of the first to get a gmail account. Now, the more advanced Google gets, the less I want to do with them. They were cool back then, now I'm just a commodity.
@coldfusionTV I think the issue is Tech lovers (like yourself) who love all things A.I forget as amazing and innovative it is – it also removes a person from a job…that affects the person, his family and friends….at times Tech nerds (affectionate term) due to their personality traits don't consider the human impact in continuing Tech developing
The Missile Knows where it is. Because it knows where it isn't.
Well, Whitechapel and the Pixel 6 for its price is pretty much underwhelming in terms of performance and features. Not even Apple A12 Levels…less time on software support as can be expected as well, probably no good resale value. Way too expensive for 1300 Bucks here in Switzerland.
I don’t want anything google has to offer. I’ll watch YouTube and that’s about it. Cell phones cars etc. it’s just a hobby to google. And I’ll never invest my money in any projects they decide to play around in. What store do you walk your google phone to when you have tech issue? They have a customer service number is there is an issue and you want to speak to a liver person. Yeah bs. This automated crap is good for something’s but not all. Sometimes you need a person to speak to. Can you call google about an email issue. Security issue? No. It’s always this antiseptic crap. How about this let a computer come pick your car up and get it serviced. When you have a 3,000 dollar bill for things you don’t think you need but google says you do. Then who do you bitch to? I’m telling these companies that don’t want to do a brick and mortar store or provide a physical person to talk to, you will have issues down the road. Google is a search engine with way to much money. So then they want to get involved in everything and prove they can do it better. Okay maybe google can do something better. But do the have staying power. Are they committed to customer service. No they are one of these companies that think they can automate every issue. I’ll never buy a pixel. It will be apple or Samsung. Making a AI to design a chip. Can you be any lazier. Maybe they AI can produce what you need or it thinks a customer need. But there’s nothing better than a human designing something and checking it with computer simulations. Google swore it was going to revolutionize video gaming. With Stadia. Microsoft bought Zeniomax publisher and google tucked its ass between their legs and ran off. That what I’m talking about. Companies like google think they can do anything better than companies already providing that product. Google wasn’t jumping into video games because they believed in it. They thought they could make a quit buck and show up the leaders in the industry. People are hardcor PlayStation Xbox, Nintendo or PC gaming. But here comes google a search engine talking smack like the players who have been doing this for decades are clueless. This cockiness is why I’ll never buy a google device. Nor Amazon. Remember Amazon had a cell phone to revolutionize cell phones. It flopped in 6 months. It was nothing more than a way to hit you with ads day and night to buy things. These companies make money in one area and then think they can go dominate everything. Wrong. When I see one of those chrome books all I think is there’s a YouTube player. If you buy a google car over a regular manufacturer or even Tesla you’re a fool. It’s a trend to them. I mean do you know how long apple has been planning their chip. Figuring out ARM would be the way to go with a chip. While google sits back and is like oh we can do that better. They have no vested interest in making a good product. It’s like hey look at what we can do. I’m like fabulous. Who cares. Google needs to work on getting be better searches and that’s it
Hilarious! Free Bose headphones too! Not shit at all. Pixel 6 & Stadia. Bionic!!! Apple used that bullshit first! Ha Jesus
I am demonetized on here cause Google’s Artificial Intelligence is only abused to rate you combining every illegal misguided trick.
ColdFusion, deleting comments in matters of conclusive evidence of signature forging, it is not wise, as participation in concealing evidence, can be a bit problematic
Are we steps away from terminators making terminators???
Pluto is not a planet.
This is the biggest BS I've ever heard. Since 1995 very few chips (mostly analog) were laid out manually. It was always automated and driven by timing and power.
Computer/Electrical/Electronics Engineers: "…I'm in danger".
So you don’t work for google, you were only speculating what Google is going to do.
Good to see ai pluto believes its a planet too
Ok why are so many companies getting into chips
Skynet here we come
Never trust synthetics!
On the long term vertical integration is TERRIBLE for freedom and price.
AI chip design is blowing my mind! Isn't this akin to if an AI City Planner could create equivalent or better city designs than those that already exist? It is probably going to happen sooner that we think if this rate of progress continues. Anyone else getting "Foundation Series" vibes from this progress? Makes me wonder where we will be lead once our systems exceed our own understandings and ability to control. Much as a leaf blown free with the wind, will humanity's path become calm and gentle moving forward, or rough and turbulent?
Sky net is coming people
This will be awesome. And no, I'm not worried about backdoors.