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Jim DiOrio spent 10 years as one of the most successful undercover agents in the FBI and another 15 as a Special Agent and international FBI interrogator.

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Trendifier’s latest episode with Jim –

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0:00 – Introduction
3:14 – FBI primary objective
4:38 – CIA vs FBI
7:24 – FBI and the president
13:14 – Political motivation
16:30 – Trump FBI raid
27:43 – FBI Influence on social media
47:56 – China spying on US missile silos
56:26 – Foreign counter intelligence
1:00:00 – September 2001
1:08:25 – Golf talk
1:14:08 – Forgotten jet crash of Queens, NY
1:24:23 – Psychological games
1:34:05 – The judicial system
1:45:50 – George Floyd
1:58:16 – White collar crime
2:01:54 – Surveillance
2:06:20 – Finding purpose




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23 thoughts on “Former FBI Special Agent Rips the Bureau | Jim DiOrio

  1. @KONCRETE Only recently found your channel and am going back through older ones. Any chance at some point you can score an interview with a former FBI counterintelligence agent? Jim is good, but you can tell he was focused on criminal work rather than espionage. His knowledge of the subject is dated and somewhat incorrect.

  2. Both Jim and Andrew are a class act. These are good men. Even though I feel they are a little misguided on something's it's not intenional. They are devoted to duty and seem to have our best interest at heart as much as they can. My only negative is they are loyal to the FBI or CIA first and the American people last. I don't know if thats good or bad.

  3. Honestly I like your podcast and you have a lot of diverse and interesting content but dudes like this are a waste of everybody’s time lol they’re a dime a dozen tell him to go back to Conshohocken with the rest of his fucking buddies in retire and shutters fat face

  4. Funny how this dude is talking shit on Chris Christie when he looks like his twin brother lol I’m sorry his hair fell off
    Back in 98-ish I was an affected worker! Still is a fucking washed up Has been! Talking about he had a good time and that a lot of people worked with or liked him?!! who the The fucked upfuck is vouched for him like 😮I said in my last three posts lol this dude needs to get some hair plugs and a shirt that fits lol. Maybe if you stop drinking beer and eating other dudes dicks he’d Still be relevant lol go back to Hoboken

  5. im torn the guy seems genuine but then says stuff like he didnt know about bob lazar as someone with his credz would have definitely heard about it at the least

  6. DiOrio cannot remember, or does not know the NTSB's official findings. But he's fast on the draw to say he doesn't believe that there was an explosion in a fuel tank and does not "buy" the official version of cause. That seems a bit off to me. 

    • After the accident there were modifications to the tanks near or on the main spar, as well as some wiring in 747's. 
    • "Prop wash" cannot come from a fan jet. 
    • The dangers from "heavies" leaving and climbing from runways come from vortices that come off the airframe. There are standard protocols for avoiding them.

  7. A pro Trump channel? Fk this, goodbye!😠 Also, neither Maxwell or anyone on her list of pedophiles pulled off a traitorous, bloody, murderous insurrection like your pos Trump did, so naturally they'd go after that pos more aggressively than Maxwell. One would think a fkn FBI agent would have enough intelligence to differentiate between apples and oranges.

  8. Funny how he had a “hell of a time to think that social media and media would collude to suppress the hunter Biden story” now Elon Musk blew that out of the water with the twitter take over 😂😂😂😂

  9. “They found nothing in Trump’s safe…”

    So we just going to pretend that all those highly classified/compartmentalized documents weren’t there? Loses all credibility.

  10. The towers were clearly blown up…. Anyone with 2 cents of an understanding of an understanding of physics knows there's no way those towers collapse unless it's a controlled demolition

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