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A local qualified bird hunter would take care of this problem for free.
Sounds like a job for somebody at concerts, official drone swatter. They don't belong at concerts at all.
I mean, that is super annoying. People on stage probably think someone threw something at first.
I see they have paid for the drone footage
I think I need to start a skeet shooting security team for hire against drones
Keep a blanket on stage catch the drones then smash them,lol
It was a killer angle tho lol I think bands should use them at their own concerts to film live videos if they are not already doing so. I know Metallica used them for theatrics while performing moth into flame
Drones and phones at live gigs can both fuck right off.
Enter the drone buster drone
Times are changing.
I think firing a shotgun into a crowd from the stage is frowned upon
That poor drone having to listen to that terrible music, please save our drones
Drones can be used as weapons that could fire projectiles or even be fitted with explosives they should be banned at all shows not to mention they could fail at any moment dropping from the air down on top of people below.
They should only be used for plotting land like for real estate. Also, dangerous situations…chasing a criminal, hostage crisis, or fires. If used at a concert, only for making a video by approval.
Easy fix BB guns and nets
I kinda want to see Johnny rotten deal with the situation.
Idk I really think drones are cool so I wouldn’t be mad if I was a musician lol but everyone is different so if a artist says not to do that then be respectful.
So 100 million cameras doesn't but a drone

Haha I think it's funny. Good for all you commie musicians.
If you aint employed by the band to film then the obvious don't be a douche bag should apply. I say should because most people that would do this is a douche anyway and are completely selfish as it is so you know they not gonna give a shit
Did they confirm it wasn't just a video crew for the festival? This is pretty common for major festivals to have a drone that takes B-roll footage of the show. Usually it's only there for a couple seconds though. This seems very dramatic
Leave the drone at home. Security needs net guns like the scooter cops in NYC on bike night.
Ban them from shows
It was from the show, the feed can be seen in the giant screens in other videos
I agree. Unless the band don't mind. Always seek out permission when filming things like this.
What? they ask Axl Rose the Mic throwing maniac?
I think drones should be allowed if it is an employed videographer by the band or the festival that knows how to shoot without being intrusive but I agree that fans shouldn't be flying. too much of an uncontrolled situation.
Wasn't the last few seconds footage from the drone? Where'd you get the footage?
C'mon..really? Ppl dont take in consideration that the other ppl on the crowd has paid a lot of money just to watch and enjoy the show then comes this as***s still stuck in the Pirate Bay era to f**k up everything risking the show to get canceled on the spot and ppl lose their money just cuz this f**n retards.
Seems like a good way to lose $$ real quick. Everyone including the artist will be trying to knock them down
I'm not surprised at all that Axl Rose had something to say about the drones! Lol! He's always bitching about something lol! If he's on stage and sees a drone he will cancel the show immediately lol! After he throws the microphone on the ground as hard as he possibly can lol!
Some day no one will play live anymore and people will say that’s horrible why and it’s because of assholes like the people that are flying these drones
Shoot the drones down.
I think Axl Rose doesn't need a reason to storm off the stage
So the Drones aren't even being operated by people at the actual shows ? Like somebody outside of the arena is in the parkinglot or even down the block at their house controlling it ? What can ya do about it ? I guess if you gotta Gun you can shoot it out of the sky but I can't think of anything else really lol.
T-shirt cannons
boomer things
screw all ur terrible & infantile drone remedies, each & every member of said band should carry a firearm of that particular members choosing — however all the uh—i mean & every choice of said weapon will fire those F’n ginormous RUBBER BULLETS — in turn — obliterating those pesty flyers all-the-while discouraging said F*CK-WADS at the helm of —- uh….yeah screw em all!!
there shall be contrasting drones in the shape of reptilian forces — ah duh— i mean adversary flight units designed & designated to repel the reprehensible drony drones —- AHEM! what was i saying?
This is just wrong! Isn't anything wrong anymore? Dangerous for everyone there.
Hate drone pilots
Drones aren’t allowed. It’s illegal to fly them over crowds of people like that, at least in the US. Those propellers can seriously damage somebody if it runs out of battery or crashes.
Only the trusted professional camera of the concert should have them. Anyone else poses a security threat.
I think if you respect a band you should respect their desire to concentrate and give their best performance. No they shouldn't need to cope it is very hard to do what they do. Whatever the venue or the bands want to do is fine with me.
Keep them out of shows
drones are next level invasive.