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In this Defunctland minisode, Kevin explores the history of Cedar Fair’s Berenstain Bear Country, as well as providing a few bear facts.

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38 thoughts on “Defunctland: The History of Cedar Fair’s Berenstain Bear Country

  1. I’d love to see some sort of data on how many beloved characters in global media are bears vs other animals. It seems like humans really really identify with them for some reason.

  2. So the chance of being mauled by a near is 1 in 2.1 million, and the current US population is ~332 million. Which means that, logically, every single day, roughly 157 people are mauled.

  3. Everyone else talks about how they remembered the Berenstain Bears being spelled differently. I'm just shocked looking back at how Aggressively Christian a lot of those books are.

  4. Im glad to see other people remember this. Im also glad to see other people having trouble with their older family members not remembering this and not believing us. Spooky tree slide and the bears costumes terrified me. I miss my childhood.

  5. I vividly remember playing in the Berenstain Bear house and the dinosaur pit at Cedar Point. I was born in '94 so that must have been in '98. Great video as always!

  6. I went to the Cedar Park Ohio Berenstain Bears Attraction. I remember the spooky tree in the spooky woods with yellow glowing eyes. It freaked me out, I wouldn't go near it. The telephones at the attraction I went to had actual people on the other end of the line. I know that because I was yelling into the phones, and the person on the other end left her booth or wherever she was to tell me to stop yelling into the phones.

  7. was super nostalgic for all the books and then i saw “bearanstein bears and the big question”. i… don’t remember that one. quite possibly my parents skipped out on it wow what a subject matter for the bears on bikes to tackle

  8. Going to the Berenstain Bear area at Valleyfair when I was kid was seriously so fun, I remember it so fondly. Even now, going back to Valleyfair as an adult, I think the most fun I ever had in the park was in that

  9. I grew up in northern Ohio and would go to Cedar point quite a bit. As a kid, this was one of my favorite things to do! Im so excited that you covered this! It was pure magic! This was always kind of the break time for our parents, so they would eat and relax and my cousins and I would have a blast running around in here. It was absolutely incredible as a kid and was really ahead of its time as far as feeling so immersive. The colors, the detail, the overall feeling…..especially now being older, feels completely made up in my mind. Those memories are as fresh in my mind as they were the day I made them, and think that says a lot about how impactful it was on my mind and imagination. Man… Cedar Point. One of my favorite places on the planet. From my earliest memories of the bears and the pirate ride, choosing what color Gemini we were going to ride, to building up the guts to finally ride The Magnum when I was tall enough, getting on The Raptor for the first time and kicking the sky as many times as I could in a day………to a cool break above the water on the Iron Dragon, feeling the uncomfortableness of The Mantis, having The Mean Streak beat you up, even though The Corkscrew already did. Cedar point is a truly magical place, I even met a girl on the beach at Hotel Breakers when I was 14…. a whole summer love that lasted a lifetime which all wrapped up into two days. Im so fortunate to have all these memories at this one place. All my memories there feel like a Wonder Years episode………..Look at me…..a regular Kevin Arnold.
    You should cover The Skeloton Train Ride from Cedar Point, it was always really fun

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