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In the Season 3 Premiere, Kevin and company go all the way back to the 19th century to explore the origins of World’s Fairs, the Ferris Wheel, and much much more.
Selected or Major Sources:
America at the Great Exhibition of 1851 Author(s): Marcus Cunliffe Source: American Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Summer, 1951), pp. 115-126 Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
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Pledge of alligance easter egg
I love the Easter egg off the hotel lmao
I'm not seeing any comments about the "pledge of allegiance"…but I appreciate Defunctland putting it in to show the true state of the US at the time…
I will ride more of these in the future.
The newspaper referring to HH Holmes, one of history's most prolific serial killers, as "A RASCAL" might be the understatement of the century.
That ABOMINATION statue is Dianna goddess, a SEX Financial ICONic IDOL. oof at the footing star shaped base, LOL Guess what it stands for too.
Ya, its a damned demonic CURSE of a filthy LUST centered Pig of a message.
wow this was so well done!!
this has got to be one of the funniest defunctland videos
“which means someone wasn’t charging enough to see the largest knife and fork in the world”
“what one would do after arriving in the new city with only the possessions they could fit inside the toboggan, with no mode of transportation back, is unclear”
“just because something was ahead of it’s time, does not mean it was good”
4:17 clearly, he was ahead of his time

Y’know, I think the cord snapping would have been the least of that bungee things issues. Like what did they think happens when a massive, several ton weighing cube suddenly stops? Anyone inside that thing, even if they’re strapped in, is going to get liquified.
The ending still gives me chills.
"Chicago was dangerous at the time"… Wow it's super safe now instead of having 800 murders a year they have 800 murders a week
I love your videos! It's fun to look at a time where the future was filled with optimism instead of a metaverse that nobody asked for to sell digital goods that nobody wants
8:19 Carousel of Progress reference lets goooooooooooooo!
that reveal at the end????? omg
16:40 check that one dude gawking in the middle lol
I've watched multiple videos made by you, and I just have to say, your writing is spectacular. You are so funny and your delivery is excellent. Just thought you should know.
The Otis safety device basically consisted of adding a toothed groove to the lift shaft. During the demonstration Otis stood on the platform (with some ballast) while an assistant cut the pulley rope; without the tension of the rope, the catches on the lift cabin sprang into the groove and supported the entire mass of the platform and its load. According to legend, Otis then removed his hat, bowed and announced "All safe gentlemen! All safe!"
I love how nearly every Defunctland episode (not about a Disney concept) still manages to include Disney in some aspect! Genius.
Chicago was and always be a steaming shithole
I get this is 3 years old and I have no idea how comments work at the creators end but here we go.
I consider Defunctland excellent, in part, because of one great deadpan delivery of a killer joke per episode. This video is hit after hit after hit. SO GOOD!
"someone didn't charge enough to see the world's largest knife and sppon…"
I never thought I'd hear something that in life but here we are.
"The man's name was:
George Washington.
Forget about the Eiffel Guillotine… I wonder if that World's Fair Hotel is still there?
Even though it was built in a hurry, it looks like it was to die for…
Thank you for the information! Very interesting!
The giant guillotine was clearly a tasteful homage to France's most beloved historical period.