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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.
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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:
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Exhaust clamps
Last Clip
Weston Carls via ViralHog
Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
0:00 Intro
0:05 Heated seats.
This was on a base model Ford F-150. As mentioned, this was an aftermarket heated seat kit that was installed and not OEM. From my understanding, on most vehicles, if the factory-heated seats get too hot, they will shut off when they reach a certain temperature.
0:24 No radio has a blank screen.
The technician pressed the power button and the screen turned on.
0:36 No 4X4 on the new truck they just bought (Chevrolet Silverado)
To properly lift a 4-wheel drive truck, and do a suspension lift kit, it costs a lot and involves cutting the frame to install brackets. So instead of doing that, the previous owner installed lifted spindles from a 2-wheel drive truck (which costs less) and removed the front cv-axles. The technician who inspected this truck said this truck also had transmission issues. He ended up installing the correct front-end parts, and new cv axles and rebuilt the transmission for the customer.
0:51 Aftermarket wheels rubbing against brake caliper.
The spokes of the aftermarket wheels the customer bought are rubbing against the brake caliper. Always important to check the aftermarket wheels you want to buy and make sure they clear the brakes. In this customer’s case, they could buy some wheel spacers to the wheel stick further out and don’t rub against the brake caliper.
1:01 Crazy ex-boyfriend.
Nissan Altima.
The technician said: “It’s going through insurance according to the service writer it’s already over 6k with parts and labor. From what I heard it was towed in after being abandoned at a gas station. So I recommended cleaning the sugar out the fill tube and tank and a new fuel pump and then doing an EFI service to clean the lines out and go from there. Hopefully, there’s no engine damage, lady’s been through enough.”
1:17 Trailer wheel bearing.
The technician said: “The axle was done all wheel bearings were destroyed and didn’t even have to take the bolts off we jacked it up and the wheel came off.”
1:32 Ford Fusion worn out wheel bearing.
2011 Ford Fusion with a really worn-out wheel bearing. The wheel bearing has been like that for a while and broke the caliper bracket and the brake pads are no longer in place since the bracket is broken. The mechanic said the customer didn’t mention anything regarding a wheel-bearing noise.
1:43 Bouncy Audi.
The technician said the rear shocks were leaking everywhere.
1:53 Exhaust clamps.
Clean job on whoever did it, but the price of the exhaust clamps might have been the same for somebody to weld it.
2:09 2018 Jeep Wrangler Mode door malfunction.
The mode door actuator controls what vents have air flow, i.e. floor, panel or front, defrost, or any combination of those.
2:24 Penny in the cigarette lighter.
No extra info.
2:31 Mercedes-Benz in the rain.
The technician said: “The customer lost control on a rainy day on the highway and hit the center concrete barrier, full airbag deployment (steering, knees, dash, rear left and right and the 2 airbags under the hood).”
2:43 Opposum.
The technician brought the Opposum to a wooded area in front of his shop and let him go.
2:52 Person who filmed the clip: “I later found out on a Reddit forum that a guy saw the truck try to maneuver around the mattress about 3 miles away from where I saw it. So instead it carried that mattress underneath for about 5 miles. Some say that the mattress is still underneath it today.”
3:08 Outro.
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Check the description for more info about each photo & clip.
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"The customer declined the opossum"
I wonder what was the intention of the mattress.
The matras is in case you take a jump.
Almost lit a fire under his ass
1:43. Yeah, that would get seriously annoying.
0:56 just bought ? that is a fucking spider web on the wheel
Now that’s funny
Ya know… these are always a good kick for me… but this one… idk. It's different. I just had to pause the video. Stare at the wall and say to myself, with furrowed brow, "…what? Just… why?" And then I wrote this comment and will now continue the video lol
1:15 sugar, classic!
Driver: I’m going to need 97 hose clamps for a exhaust job.
Worker: what do you work in an exhaust shop or something that you need 97 clamps?
Driver: no it’s for my car, just got a new exhaust system.
Worker: ummmmmmmmm……………..
I hope you didn't hurt the 'possum.
but why the sugar its not like it damages it or anything its just a hussel getting it out
Do you know how much skill it takes to drive a full sized bro-dozer and keep a loose mattress under control for over two miles? You just can’t imagine.
The MythBusters proved years ago that putting sugar in the gas tank doesn’t do anything, putting bleach in the gas tank or in the crank case, yeah that’ll kill a car
So you have a car, what all do you know about cars? You turn the key and they start. When it stops running you have to put gas in it…. 90% of all people…..
How can people be so stupid?
$50 says the opossum was actually a pet they forgot about.
"speedo in kilos" is awesome
Some of these are just insane to me, like the "No radio has a blank sreen". How does one not try to push any buttons or check the manual and instead go to the mechanic is beyond me.
All I can think with this sort of people is "I tried nothing and I am all out of ideas"
That's your 45K+ deaths annually just in the U.S.
Now I understand why shampoo bottles have instructions written on them
0:51 wheel spacers, just use wheel spacers.
Penny in the cigarette lighter is a classic still to this day
chevy drivers..
Dude did his exhaust like a vent pipe for a house ac
he must do hvac
Guy dragging the mattress had a hot date across town with a homeless gal.
So did they give the opossum back?
Some people are driving like it's GTA
Thank God for the descriptions!
Ten pounds of exhaust clamps
The opossum sure is cute!! I hope he was taken somewhere safe.

Well that mattress sure wasn't fitting in the truck bed. They had to move it somehow!
Nothing wrong with exhaust clamps……….when they want to charge $1000, I spend $50 and do it myself……..
1 way to get a mattress home
My Jetta back in the day started my pants on fire and burned my butt.