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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.
This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.
Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.
This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.
Original Video:
AL.com’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/aldotcom
Ala. Code § 15-5-30- https://bit.ly/3C1NE0s
Schultz v. State- https://bit.ly/3BiLM6b
United States v. Sokolow- https://bit.ly/3CSabxu
Navarette v. California- https://bit.ly/2Nzuo6W
Ala. Code § 13A-7-4- https://bit.ly/3TQLR8n
Ala. Code § 13A-7-1- https://bit.ly/3TMt2mU
Ala. Code § 13A-11-32- https://bit.ly/3BhOlFC
Ala. Code § 13A-11-7- https://bit.ly/3KOq6lL
Ala. Code § 13A-10-2- https://bit.ly/3CYQffG
Kleinschnitz v. Phares- https://bit.ly/3BiVS7h
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10:21 , so let me get this straight, from now on if someone is committing a crime, and the police officer asks the suspect what they are doing, the police officer should just accept the suspects answer, cause people never lie and say they arent doing what the police were called out to investigate? what world do you live in?
The white women in the video speaking to the police is the one that called 911 on the pastor. I kid you not, it was revealed in another video. So you know they are friends, why call the police.
I'm surprised that the Pastor wasn't charged with WWB. Watering While Black.
You should have a F- or even FF grade to cops like that.
I cannot imagine what these clueless, busybody, imperial troopers were doing to these poor people 40 or 50 years ago when there were no body cams. How many innocent people were left rotting in jail and families broken. Most powerful country in history and its still run like a plantation.
The cops went on a power trip. When they realized they f'ed up, they tried to smooth it over. When that didn't work they made up a charge, what a joke. It was obvious nothing was up when the dude was watering flowers and not running away when the cops showed up. Really good police work guys.
I wish we had a Zero Tolerance policy for officers who knowingly break the law like this.
Revoke their badge, and blacklist them from ever an officer again!
Officers that put their ego before the law should have no place in this country!
For officers that get something wrong unintentionally, they should have to take lessons again, and not allowed to go back on duty until they're done!
Pathetic police, all deserve the sack, watering a damn garden.
Pastor driving in the new Kathie now
dumb cops 
Lol arrests a pastor for watering flowers
He sure is doing a lot of suspicious activity by watering those flowers.
If you have to have a city council meeting to figure out the crime there isn't one! They say "black don't crack" so I get how the caller thought it was a "YOUNGER black man"
. Sarcasm…. Bish that called shoulda just minded her bueiness bc clearly she isn't a reliable source 
1st of all, the pastor should have cooperated, not yell and make a circus there, if he was here , somewhere in Europe…. hahahah, he would receive at least 30 rubber batons on his ass and back, plus a few boot kicks, plus some more beatings in the police van. Cooperation goes a long way
So sorry for you living in the US, we in Europe have no problem in watering the neighbor's plants because it would not be suspicious to police since they are quite intelligent and have no problems with people of different nations, they get anti aggression training every week.
Police IQ equal zero
I'm not religious but even I feel like it's bad ju ju to arrest a man of God like that
Idiot cops don’t even know what laws they need to enforce and respect. How many lawsuits does it take for a city to re-educate their officers, terminate liabilities, and hire actually intelligent people?
Oh, wow. These are colonial breed kids,showing their real face. These colonial offsprings need to be subject to the process of civilization.
These officers should be fired instantly
Does it have to be law enforcement acting out or can it be a deputy DA? If so, I have a doozie for you!!
Is this just another case of “PIGS” being “ being “PIGS”. .?? If he was WHITE would he have been handcuffed. Sick to death of the cops proving that they
attend a “How to be a god & a PIG”. And they wonder why people HATE them. Does a man, even if he is BLACK really need this many pigs to arrest him?
I wish somebody would explain the logic behind this type of thing, which ATA shows so many times…
So, "they" called and said that vehicle is not supposed to be there… It seems, in the USA, this AUTOMATICALLY makes an individual "suspect". Really, WTF??? Who are "they"? Are "they" the owners of the property? Invariably, no! Are "they" some type of authority? Invariably, no!
So, in conclusion, it seems that in the USA, if you want to get anybody (read anybody of colour it seems)in trouble, just call the police and say they're "not supposed" to be where they are.
In this particular case, the guy is WATERING THE FLOWERS, ffs! Is that a common tactic of robbers, to throw off the police? I thought stealth would be more common, but I guess I'm wrong…
From an European point of view, this is just mind-boggling…
See, if the settlement came out of their pockets they would think twice about abusing their authority
POWER TRIPPING FUCKS, absolutely sick
What’s the calmin law definitchin of supishus??,
Round of applause for these three idiots great job protecting us and using our tax dollars taking down those pastors so dangerous
The three stooges!
I hate how some random person can call the police on someone and the cops can just show up and arrest them even if they haven't seen them do anything.
Ooooh!Its a black man,must be doing something wrong!!!
You can’t give anyone power out here
So that white woman said its probably her fault… so she came out to corroborate the pastor's story yet it seems she was the one who made the call to the police in the first place…
the police is in the right here,
People dying on the streets of drugs and human trafficking going strong and they are worried about someone being neighborly. One quick phonecall to the owner could have solved it.
The Pastor deserves a "B" grade . He could have avoided all this if he just kept his cool and gave them his ID . Then he still could have filed a complaint later and would have avoided arrest . That's exactly what I would do .
“What’s the charge?” Can’t even articulate the crime and the man’s been in cuffs for half an hour

great job, gumshoes!
These cops are so racist, that they don't know it.
Guilty of being black.
We live in a crazy, backwards world when a pastor can't even water his neighbours flowers without getting arrested. Unreal.
Well I hope the Pastor becomes rich off the City. Maybe they will retrain thier police better
SOME AMERICAN COPS ARE SO GUNHO,what are you doing while standing
with a hose WHAT DO THEY THINK !!!!!! That's the problem they can't think.
These cops are morons