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In this Defunctland minisode, Kevin explores the history of McDonald’s and Disney’s relationship, from Dinoland to Happy Meals.
Make sure you check out Rob Plays video that covers Disney’s partnership with Burger King.
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Hey everyone! Hope you liked the minisode!
Make sure to check out RobPlays video on Disney’s partnership with Burger King today!
We’ll be back with Part 4 of the Jim Henson series next. Have a great day!
I kind of wish they would start selling McDonalds in the Disney parks again. The burgers and fries they sell there currently are really not great, I think McDonalds burgers and fries would actually be a big improvement.
I love love love all of your documentaries! I hope you do this always
I still have all the pieces from the Treasure planet toys built together to be the map orb.
Probably my earliest form of my obsession to collect props or replicas from movies and entertainment
This was very interesting considering I never went to the parks in the 90s
Did someone say… Szechuan sauce?!?!
Gotta miss when marketing actually portrayed their food correctly 4:04
I'm surprised the commerative Disney plates didn't get a mention. I'm so sure you couldn't eat off them and it's wild to think now of a fast food employee handing me a very breakable, somewhat expensive at the time, dishware.
My parents took me and my brother and sister to Walt Disney World in Florida in 1989. We must’ve been the only kids who never liked it because we never went back. I don’t know what it was. It just did not speak to me still don’t care for Disney or Disney movies. Maybe because I grew up in Canada? It just was not it for me.
God that commercial is so scary and for whay
Why does Prototype Ronald look like Boris Johnson
Madagascar one is the only movie in trilogy that didn't get Mcdonalds toys
i wish they did tie-ins for Toy Story 3 Cars 2 Ratatouille Up Monsters University Cars 3 Coco Meet Robinsons Bolt Wreck-it Ralph Big Hero 6 Nightmare Before Christmas Fox Hound etc
Puts librarian hat on…. I'll show you how to find the answers but I won't tell you
It’s kind of dumb though, because Disney still serves that kind of food at their quick service locations, but is much lower quality. So it’s not like distancing from McDonalds made them serve healthier food. I kind of wish they would bring back the McDonald’s partnership and serve McDonald’s burgers and fries instead. it would make lunch more enjoyable at the park.
I will never be able to forget that McDonald's and Disney had a partnership.
It was evening in Frontierland, the sky had turned orange with the sunset and the pathway lights began humming as they came to illuminating life. My family was on our way to ride Big Thunder Mountain one last time for the day when I heard a voice.
"Is that a ******* Micky D's?"
A middle-age man was standing by a covered-wagon-shaped food cart with boards over its windows and the iconic golden arches emblazoned above the vacant counter.
"It's a ******* Micky D's," he stated as he walked away, shaking his head.
I hate how this is making me crave McDonald’s
LOVED chewing on Mrs. Incredibles’ arms
This is like the start of metal gear solid 3 but for mcdonalds and disney
Nostalgia is such a strange thing, man. Watching this video made me sad for the days when happy meals and other competing brands offered COOL toys with their meals, instead of just like a sticker like they do now. Some of my favorite childhood toys came from McDonald’s or Burger King. But then I feel weird, because I’m feeling sad and nostalgic for a marketing ploy designed specifically to get screaming rowdy kids to demand their parents take them to McDonald’s and feed them garbage. I remember always asking my mom for McDonald’s whenever we drove anywhere! So I guess what I’m missing isn’t the era, because it sucked, or the marketing tactic, because it sucked. I’m really just missing being a kid and not KNOWING that I was being manipulated. So in a sense I’m realizing that most of my nostalgia was corporately manufactured, and all I’m really missing is the time when I couldn’t understand what that— HOLY SHIT 8:32 I HAD THAT BAMBI I STILL HAVE IT SOMEWHERE
So this was the bullshit reason why McDonald’s wasn’t in parks anymore was cause of the obesity crisis? I remember when I went to animal kingdom back when in McDonald’s was there in the Dino section and i had a blast. Went there again some time when I was older and saw the McDonald’s gone & I was pissed. But to now know why they I’m even more pissed. People need to stop blaming fast food places and blame the people themselves. It’s their choice with what goes into their body
I remember seeing the “Come ashore for McDonald’s fries” sign
ah! 13:23–13:28, I've seen a commercial that looked like that! blocky, sketchy, like the people are cut from magazines, I have no idea how they animate them to look like that
How do the burgers look exactly the same
I don’t think I’ve had it once in the last ten years as I haven’t enjoyed it since I was I was a kid, but if I had a Time Machine, I’d love to try a burger from the original restaurant as they look like they might actually taste okay.
Here at 969,645 views. (before that too)
Ray Kroc owned the San Diego Padres when he passed away in 1984. Coincidentally, the Padres went to the World Series for the first time that year. They wore RAK patches on their sleeves to honor the deceased owner
Nice video. Very informative.
8:14 proves Mel Brooks is even more genius than we thought
Not going to lie, I miss buying McDonald's fries at the wagon in Frontierland.
its the footage of Disney Dan dancing with Dino Dale for me
Disney Dan cameo!
Ah yes… the beginning of the downfall of good old American pastimes, brought to you by virtue signaling Marxists with their healthfood and global warming schemes.
Countdown to Extinction was one of the best rides ever. I remember they changed it for "Dinosaur" (not to be confused with the 90s ABC show, "Dinosaurs") the next time I had gone, and it just wasn't the same.
This minisode gives a whole new meaning to the moniker "Mickey D's"!
I don't think Mel Brooks would like Star Wars to take his Pizza the Hutt idea.
I’ve been on the fence as to whether or not the world is real or a simulation and the fact that Ray Croc and Walt Disney were war buddies really drives home how lazy the writers were.
Willard Scott: "I'm no stranger. I'm a creepy a$$ muthaphukin clown."
9:22 And nothing bad ever came of that. Nope. Nothing at all.
Westward Ho
learning about milkshakes and real estate companies pretending to be burger restaurants
The beginning of the 21st century really did end all fun, didn't it?
disliked it is infact not accurate to the history of mcdonalds and disney, i would know im an expert
I could only think about how we’re tearing down the rainforest to produce more beef for McDonald’s hamburgers but McDonald’s is also sponsoring the Animal Kingdom which might feature animals they’re helping go extinct.
I remember more of those toys than I care to admit.
„Im Ronald McDonald!“
„I thought your name was Mr. Gacy?“
„Nevermind that, come here I want to show you something cool in this crawl space!“
8:07–8:16 You know what’s funny? Years later, Thomas and Friends would start doing just that, shoehorning scenes into their movies just so their owners could sell more cheaply made toys.