AYG comedy podcast presents stand up comedian and podcast host Chris “Chrissy Chaos” Distefano. You know Chris Distefano …
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Karsten Braasch <— The tennis player.
The rewatch value is…THROUGH THE ROOF!
Am I garbage? I literally just bounced my god damn chin off my desk taking my socks off like a fuckin wack job, almost cracking my teeth as Chrissy D is talking about losing choppers, I mean I'd say it doesnt get any better than that but thats just a day in the life of to be honest.
Found the podcast a couple days ago and have been mowing through the episodes. This is now one of my favorites. Great job guys!
Chrissy Chlamydia is always a great guest.
patty fly balls and scotty karate is the look of all looks for this show
If I only watch Foley, i can feel cocaine in my blood
Lmao “old man distefano”
Tbh I haven’t felt this kind of pleasant complimentary and funny chemistry since history hyenas. New fan.
First episode I’ve seen of this show, I’m SOLD love their chemistry love the humor! They definitely earned a subscriber

AYG needs to clip the Pharmacy shopping cart question as a short.
Chrissy chaos always good vibes
Chrissy Jawline holy smokes.
Bahahahahaha kiss your dad's friend
Kippys tuggy tub time. New show you’re welcome
WILD Still Friends Show interview with the CEO OF LAS Vegas
Distefano is so fast when he talks lol u have to pay attention attention
Distefano is the most annoying baby talking man working in comedy today
"wait till the FLOSS GUY starts fleecing ya, he's coming in $300 for floss"

Not enough comments, I'm a new sub and been binge watching this shit! My favorite new pod. Too many Bozos sleeping on this.
New Still Friends Show Episode w/ I.Am.Tru.Starr

That Wawa cup tho!
Found this podcast cause you guys had segura on…. and I've been listening to it since haha this is one of the best comedy podcast that exists. You guys rock and u have a new fan in me and some of my friends that are like what are you listening too? I told them and they love it too. Love you fuckers
Ps kidnap bobby lee and make him sit there and answer questions lol he is 1000% trash
Do you floss before or after brushing?
Dude no shit this is the funniest podcast out there next to Tim dillons pod. I'm laughing the whole time
5:46 – the happiest laugh ive ever seen
The subliminal messages are working. You're my new favorite podcast.
Chrissy doesn't floss?? His breath must be garbage
lmfao @ chrissy second show added
Windows replaced in 89..kippy says 20 yrs…..how old is kippy really..looks 60 tah me
Don't tell me we're ratting on people just for taking a piss outside?
As a pool guy we never have somewhere to piss. but if they're at least making the effort to hide their dick say nothing that's one of the pluses to having one. But if hes whipping it around then you might gotta say something
Runnin through old episodes, never get tired of hearing about the garbage
Drop the floss and get a water-pik my dudes. EZ.
Bro you gotta wash your ass out with your hands. Build up some nice suds and do it SECOND to last. The absolute last thing you wash after your ass are your feet because that will help with cleaning up your dingle fingers afterwards lol (depending on how hard in the paint you go when you wipe or if you use baby wipes).
Bro the code is to put your boxer briefs on first, then socks, then pants, THEN shoes (because you want your sneakers on to keep the socks nice and crisp and besides walking around in your socks makes them dirty faster), THEN the top is last because that's the thing that really will tie the whole outfit together. Jeans are jeans but sometimes I go through 5 or 6 different tops before I settle on one I like (different colors, different cuts, long sleeve vs short sleeve, maybe you want a hoodie for that day, etc…).
I've been using the same Lakewood pineapple juice glass jar for years now for my change jar. It's unrivaled.
Dr. Phil for Halloween an late 90's! Bro what are you doing to me? I legit shaved a horseshoe into my head in 1998/1999 one day because everyone at my high school thought I wouldn't have the balls to do it. Looking back on it I should've wagered something on it, but honestly it was more about keeping the integrity of my word because when I say I'm going to do something and you tell me I won't or you doubt me, I lean into it HARD son. I shaved it all off the next day though.
"You would get hit with so many batteries." Bro my AIM screenname back in the day was "sockfullofdcells" and at hardcore shows I always carried with me a handkerchief with a D-cell battery wrapped up in it and tied up where the end that was knotted you would hold like a handle. I learned that one from watching older dudes going to shows who used to do the same thing except with cue balls from pool tables lol.
Holy crap the story about throwing ketchup at a bus… I remember coming home from high school one day on the bus, and I found this smooshed up Devil Creme snack cake in the wrapper. A UPS or Fedex truck was driving by and I NAILED the front window with it. He tried to turn his wipers on to wash it away, but because it has a bunch of oil in the snack cake, all it did was SMEAR THE ENTIRE WINDSHIELD hahahaha! He was so pissed, he turned around and followed us until the bus pulled over. Bro, I switched seats, yanked off my hoodie and put my glasses in my backpack and never got caught lol! This podcast is something else, bringing back all sorts of memories!
Bro I've never felt so at home as a catholic watching this episode now more than I ever did, lol!
Really off-putting hearing Chris humblebrag the entire episode about how much money he has
The fact that Chris don't know what floss does at his age is hilarious
He’s right about the croissant and a coffee. I don’t know why but everything tastes amazing. Something like a carrot is amazing
Been down and out these last couple of weeks this episode really made me laugh so fucking much. Love y’all and this boy Chrissy Chaosssssss KILLED it
They're wrong about the dude peeing. Be loyal to your neighbors so they call the cops for you when someone is casing your house and you're on vacation. Always be about your block, that's true in the projects and the suburbs.
Chrissy Co-Dependent