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In this video I am joined by renowned music critic Anthony Fantano (@theneedledrop) to talk people on the phone as geckos.
Topics include the toilet seat market, dealing with being alone, identity theft, a horny pet bird, the ethics of smoking weed, how long is too long to pursue a musical career, going on a date to the morgue, and other stuff too.
0:00 – 2023 Therapy Gecko tour info
0:14 – Welcome Anthony Fantano
06:23 – Anthony Fantano and degrees animosity
11:03 – What does retirement look like?
13:53 – Most important avenues of life
14:57 – Caller learns how to be alone after a big relationship
25:28 – How is Anthony Fantano with being alone?
30:13 – Caller’s family’s toilet drama
38:05 – Caller commits identity theft
53:36 – What does Anthony do on his show?
01:01:20 – The ethics of smoking weed
01:14:05 – Caller has a fear of everything (pantophobia)
01:27:00 – Anthony Fantano and being paid
01:32:40 – Caller’s horny pet bird
01:45:00 – How often do you jack off?
01:46:12 – Caller keeps almost joining a cult
02:03:59 – How Anthony Fantano & Geck want to die.
02:05:11 – Anthony’s goals on Therapy Gecko.
02:06:16 – Caller obsessed with poop as a kid.
02:17:59 – Caller is embarrassed by their music career.
02:31:43 – Anthony Fantano’s approach to someones music dreams.
02:32:53 – Caller has a date at the morgue
02:55:23 – Too much societal pressure to have everything figured out.
02:58:53 – Farewell & Anthony Fantano info!
02:59:21 – How to call the gecko!
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Lyle Forever
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The Museum of Death.
that vices question was too good
I picked a random point and got my first impression from the girl afraid of everything. I'm in
I feel so bad for the woman with pantophobia. I related with her so much when she talked about playing piano being a very calming thing for her. Whenever I get anxious about something I grab an instrument and play a song. It instantly slows my heart rate.
Soon that kid will realize all religions are cults. Cults are just religions that haven't had enough time to indoctrinate/manipulate enough people.
Why is his voice so low
I'm so disappointed they didn't discuss the Sam Hyde diss track
this is like the perfect guest for this show, anthony’s sensibilities and language work so well here, its so cool that this happened
I’ve watched all of the “guest geckos” at this point and Anthony is the first one that I think should be a regular
Anthony is good a this
Man why wasn't I informed of this
Best guest so far for sure.
Stealing someone’s social , over getting ghosted? That’s some cocoo shit
I would love to see Oliver Tree on Therapy Gecko.
you should definitely have anthony back on sometime.
I love Anthony! Glad to see him on here.
That bird is very confused. Plants do the same thing when they are stressed. They try to reproduce with themselves so they can live on.
Anthony is the best guest for sure
I love how u breezed over Anthony's addiction to eating pussy! I knew there was a deeper reason I have a huge crush on this man
easy 3 and half watch no problem.
The boys are back in town the boys are back in town the boys are back in town the boys are back in TOWN
There's no way this is real
This is a collab I’ve been hoping for since I discovered this and it surpassed my expectations! Top 3 episode right here
Somebody get the person with the fear of everything an OP-1. Super tiny and portable digital synth that makes a ton of different sounds.
mario and luigi
I think that feeling uncomfortable with being alone is pretty common, especially when coming out of a relationship. I understand the sentiment that Lyle and Anthony were trying to put on the first caller about this being an opportunity to build that skill, however I feel like the caller recognized that that’s how he “should” feel, and is also probably frustrated that his emotional self can’t view it that way. So I feel like telling him to try to view it differently is the wrong way to go about it because he will now think that there is something wrong with him if he can’t view it that way. The better approach would be just to tell him that in order to get better at being alone you have to do it more, also time heals all. Give yourself time to heal. And if you feel like you do need help then seek a therapist!
The bussiest music nerd of internet meeting the therapiest gecko itself
Wish melon was my therapist
Wtf why is a melon speaking and describing me exactly? Am I a melon?
1:46:12 Just likes to hear himself talk. This sounds like some bs
I was cracking up at the dude who kept joining cults
I was just saying last night when is he getting fantano
"If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary." -Jim Rohn
1:35:00 "It's a girl so I don't think it cums"
Fantano is goated
Oh my geck
Parrots need a lil love sometimes
The woman with pintophobias music is probably so good I need to hear that
The woman with pintophobias music is probably so good I need to hear that
Disagree with Anthony’s opinions all you want, but no one in their right mind is gonna accuse him of being immature
i love melon and geck:)
I love every single guest but Anthony just fits so well and was giving such good advice in such a well spoken clear way, I hope y’all do something again in the future
Fantano is a mean person
A wild melon-gecko has appeared
Never knew i needed to see Anthony green.
If the panic disorder girl is reading this, i live a very similar life. Stay strong. Also be very aware of taking Xanax. I used to and it got out of control so hard that i almost died and had to go to the mental hospital to withdraw. Worst time of my life, Xanax/benzo withdrawals are pure hell and are considered to be the worst withdrawals out of all drugs.
Are we not gonna ask why she lost so much weight lmao
Best guest of all time