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Ryan Tate is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and co-founder of Veterans Empowered to Protect African Wildlife (VETPAW).

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0:00 – Introduction
6:25 – Joining the Marine CORPS
10:30 – Deployment in Iraq & Asia
21:40 – IED’s
28:00 – Snipers
40:30 – Coping with PTSD
50:50 – Ukraine / Russia war
1:03:05 – Leaving the Marine CORPS
1:25:30 – The problems inside Africa
1:42:30 – Secret missions capturing poachers
1:50:00 – Trophy hunters
1:58:25 – Park Rangers
2:00:00 – Terrorist groups & poaching rings
2:15:00 – Good VS Evil
2:18:30 – Chinese investments in Africa
2:25:40 – The future of VETPAW




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39 thoughts on “African Terror Groups Are Hunting This US Marine | Ryan Tate

  1. This delusional, grotesque, nihilistic view of humanity, to justify atrocities, over a fkn bird makes me physically ill. If you think deforestation is a greater harm to the planet than the suffering of children, the exploitation and starvation of kids, the rape and exploitation of women, because you raided the home of their father that was putting food on the table, you are mentally handicapped, and it makes me want to physically harm these delusional neckbeards. This usurpacious, tree hugging, neckbearded believe that people are some intrinsic evil, to the detriment of this planet, that you can exploit, to justify a fkn park makes me shake. I'd take this repugnant, tree hugger up on his hunting offer, this tough mArInE. It must feel empowering only socializing with people that justify your belief system, with the extent of their skills being weekend camping trips, as a prior SOF that witnessed injustice supersceeding extinction level events, this neck beard wouldn't make it 10fkn feet in the brush with a real fkn dangerous man. This video has been circling in the community of genuinely dangerous men, and like listening to someone in their mid 30s, show up at a high school party, espousing how tough, and bad@ss they are. Both of these men are fkn idiots, singularly driven. The host is a "yes ma'am" that's going with the flow of the conversation, but this comically ignorant pleb, isn't sht, that views Africa from this western centrist, view. Excluding my genuinely murderous career in SOF, I spent 4 years in Africa working with KOSEN safaris, doing humanitarian aid. This fkn pos is a FED, without the balls to do the work himself. He exploits locals, kicking in the doors to staving, mostly homeless people, to arrest their fathers, for hunting a fkn animal for sustenance. It must be rewarding justifying the salvation of animals you had on a baby blankey, while acknowledging that the suffering of locals is indifferent. So tired of listening to fkn POGs pretend to of had this delusionally eventful, deployment, while guys that were in Ramadi, are designated to a comment sections, calling out this fax commandos. This entire discussion made me cringe. Don't even get me started on the value of wealthy, western trophy hunters, but if you genuinely cared to stem the tide of suffering in Africa, you address the culture. You help the people to seek a life worth living with employment that they can support a family on. You educate and protect them. You don't fkn hunt them and espouse you care more about a fkn bird, or a pig. This man isn't delusional to the imbalance he's creating, to the void on the other side of the pendulum. In the Amazon they recognize the suffering of locals, so they reform the loggers to help with conservation. They don't goat them into committing crimes to feed their family, because they heard there was some rich American man, buying illegal animal parts.

  2. Chris Kyle was killed by a psychopath ex marine…his mother had gone to chris and asked chis to help him with his psd….and the guy flipped out and shot Chris and his buddy in the back

  3. The gas was 1.00 during TRUMP ADMINISTRATION….REMEMBER WHAT TRUMP ACOMPLISHED….never mind what the man looks like but instead look at what he does and how he does it

  4. My buddy was also a marine in 2003 during the battle of Baghdad. He realized after 20 years it was all for LIES and they themselves were the terrorists in a foreign country. He thought he was doing something heroic for his county, and he was really just a pawn for neocon trash.

  5. People should not be bullied and it does not build character so stop saying that. And the fact y'all said y'all believe this is so freaking phukkked up. This kind of thinking gets a lot of kids killed because some kids who get bullied kill themselves and others shoot up the classrooms, killing many kids. So just phukkkking stop saying stuff like this. You know I am phukkkking right!!!

  6. Thank you to all the Marines and other service members (and the families of these men and women). No matter the country or task, you're loved and appreciated by millions that you will never know. Thank you for keeping us safe

  7. It’s all self inflicted these people choose to go war and because terrorists for elites political gain the real hero’s are the afghans Iraqis etc that defended there land against overwhelming odds and won

  8. Amazing podcast. After watching I had to donate a little to his organization and share this on social media. I hope Ryan Tate's story gets out to millions of people.

  9. Taiwan has not always been a part of China. Taiwan was where the emperor and family were evicted after China turn communist. So Taiwan has as always owned china right by CNN logic

  10. My BS flag just popped up. Not saying his story is BS. How can you join the military at 16 when the minimum age is 17, even with your parents signing. I’m a veteran also.

  11. Hey ok so South African here so to answer the question when foreigners come in to hunt they usually only take the head of the animal then depending on what animal it is so say its an impala or say a giraffe the meat then gets sold to the locals. A lot of the men in my family go hunting and often reserves will invite South African local hunters to come kill specific animals that there are too much of and they always take the meat to make biltong (basically beef jerky) and droewors so it lasts a long time. The guts are used for this as well and the skins are also used for decoration in houses used for like mats and stuff or we use the leather to make chairs or purses or stuff like that. So every part of the animal is used. I don't know thats how it is in our family.

  12. Unfortunately modern humans have absolutely destroyed this world in totally thrown things out of balance. We want more land for our big houses and we've overpopulated the world with our garbage and our plastic. And we are over producing some animals for our meat and killing off everything else because we don't want it around our houses. We are the worst thing that has ever happened to planet earth. We have overpopulated this world and caused so much damage that I don't think we can come back from it. Because no one takes it seriously and no governments are doing all that much to change anything. It's sad and it's disturbing. To say the least.

  13. I love this guy! He is my hero. Everything he said is everything I have felt in my whole life. If I was personally wealthy, and I was able to leave and go to Africa and do all of this full-time. In a heartbeat I would. Unfortunately I don't know the people he knows, and I'm not financially backed. But it would be amazing to be able to do this. He is awesome.

  14. American Sniper is not real depiction of what took place. Kris Kyle didn’t kill that Iranian sniper. We actually dropped a JDAM on the building he was in. Kyle was imbedded with 2-7 cav in Najaf first where the sniper was. Then in fallujah where we dropped the bomb on him

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