Ive NEVER tried this before…lets see if it works!
SOCIAL MEDIA : https://www.dopeasyola.com/links
I did a video similar to this a few years ago….the comment I kept seeing over n over was “why didnt you try Certo?”
So thats why Im doing this one today…I hope it helps!!!!
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There are no instructions for this so I prolly did it wrong…but at least this video will show you the stuff you shouldn’t do
SOCIAL MEDIA : https://www.dopeasyola.com/links
Less than 48 hours til my test. Last used within 24 hours ago..
About to try it out Tomorrow with a stinger detox.. if yall don't hear from me after the 28th, then it didn't work
Just passed a drug test today thanks to this, and all the comments in here. I rip bowls out the bong on the days that end with Y but I stopped 24hrs before the test. I drank one certo/ Gatorade 28oz + 4 water bottles and pissed like a racehorse 3 times before bed. Woke up day off test 2 hrs before the test appointment I drank another certo Gatorade Mix + the water bottles and again pissed 3 or more times and drank a little coffee to make the piss not so clear. And it was all good
"dirtiest piss in the world"
my piss being pitch black
brown ass pee jajsjsj drink more water fr for your health cuz i ain’t ever seen darker pee before
It’s worked for me.. didn’t smoke for a night and then the next day I took it peed like 3-4 times before 2 hours (chugged a lot of water) and it ended up working for me
it does work you need to pee 3 times before going for your sample and take some b3 and b12 to bring color back u need to also fill the gatorade back up with water and drink all of that and use the whole packet!!! also smoking right before or the day before isn’t gonna make it work best to have at least 4 days clean i was an everyday user at the time took a week off and passed using that does mask if u do it right
Bros face as soon as he drinks it

They did have in stock in vons you can see it in minute 2:44 you can see it on the bottom
It’s works I passed my test

He did it wrong
It does work you just have to piss first after you drink it and you will be positive for thc but then the second time you will be negative but I'm pretty sure you have to drink a gallon of water
I don’t think you did it correctly supposed to flush with water afterward and drink water consistently
Drink the original Lucozade before your drug test
Bro I'ma need you to print the moment your face changed when drinking it and put it on a T-shirt

14:23 this happened to me

you can pass a saliva test using 3% hydrogen peroxide and rinse with it, take notes good luck
me absolutely losing my shit knowing yola bumping westside gunn
he was looking the whole time and he didn’t know certo is a gelatin brand
he was looking for one of them real detoxes
2:46 they pass the certo

bro pulled out a fucking vase and called it a bong
you walked right past it in that first store u were in @ 2:35
Im 8 for 8 on passing drug tests with certo.
you gotta wait, my guy, drink 1 packet in a 20oz gatorade, and then next morning, piss atleast twice,. then drink another then test
What it does is it makes your organs hold onto stuff more, so it's pretty much just water going out.
I've done it for years and it works for me but everybody is different so it might not work for everybody
i used to get tested weekly while on ISP , passed every single test for over 2 years because of certo. i’m not sure the exact calculations for timing & what not but if used correctly , you’ll pass

Lol you should try drinking your piss. I heard it flushes everything out
I'm so disappointed that you did it totally wrong, and you kept smoking…. Definitely should've watched more videos… You barely had enough water, and you tested the first time you had to urinate… Then you tell people it doesn't work… It definitely doesn't work like that… Jesus… lol… I enjoyed your humor, and I liked and subscribed… smh… I was saying wtf are you doing and why tf are you still smoking the entire time…

Just stick to a QCarbo and 2 or 3 days
You have to piss before the tested piss
came back diluted twice best advice would be gallon of water and 30 min sweat everyday. get a workout and cycle your bodys water weight, two in one cant beat it. if possible find yourself a gym with a sauna. 2-3 times a week, change your life and pass 90% of test on a moments notice
2:42 I legit see certo right there
I love how at 2:46 he literally passes the certo on the right side
You had to piss at least 3 times before you took the test bro
Certo do work you have to chug 2 of them
On probation need help I mean I use Certo to trie in pass it worked the first time none after that any one have any suggestions on how I can make it work again
Ay bro please try this for me. I just heard that u can pass one by putting a arm strong in there for around 30 sec. It’s supposed to be able to absorb the bad stuff in it
Dawg no way my mom wasted 50 dollars on the drug test
Sonn. Didn't you google this first??
i have to take those EXACT same tests every 2 weeks like clockwork. definitely teaches me not to use a dumb ass hiding spot. fr tho if you are underaged and doing this shit than take a hella long time to do research on the best hiding spots and what will work best with your situation. if your parents don't gaf then it doesn't rly matter but if they are controlling untrusting annoying and search your shit just try to see if you see things in a different place then the way you left em and don't ever use that spot. i didn't take that into consideration and now my life is very close to what i imagine hell being like. or just don't do that shit till your 18 either one.
BRUHHHH he passed up the certo in the first grocery store, you could see it at 2:43

I've used Certo before, for best results you should quit smoking 24-72hrs before the test