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Was hair metal actually great? I look at the rise and fall of hair metal bands like Poison, Guns N Roses, Winger, Motley Crue, Dokken, Ratt, Skid Row, Warrant and more. Also, glam metal/hair metal songs like “Sweet Child Of Men” and “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” and the best hair metal guitarists/musicians like Reb Beach, Billy Sheehan, Paul Gilbert, Steve Vai, Slash and more.
PODCAST (Spotify):
PODCAST (Apple Podcasts):
0:00 Intro
2:47 The history of hair metal
10:14 Hair metal’s great songs
14:51 The amazing musicians of hair metal
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The Punk Rock MBA
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No it wasnt. Musicanship was excellent, thats given. But then again, it hasnt save prog in your eyes either…. So, hair metal is nothing but crap, always was, and always will be.
Jeez, Gnr was a hard rock band, not hair metal.
Just found your channel and I'm obsessed!
I still blast Ratt and Poison during the summer time, its just fun
15:39 I don't think we could" set that aside"
or expect us too
Guns and Roses are the only one on the list I care about and I can go without them.
Aqua Net made a fortune during this era, I'm sure they wish it would come back, sales would go through the roof AGAIN.
If you weren't there, you have no idea just how fun this era was.
Long live HAIR BANDS……
Ah, the chainsaw solo, one of my favorite pieces of music as a toddler. When my dad told me that was a chainsaw, I was so hype
Excellent era for rock music. Never understood the fashion
Trash from that Era was better than the best current stuff out there
The thing was, that was just the style in the late 80s for everyone.. look at the actresses on tv and movies- biiiig hair, ton of makeup. Couple of bands in that era- Junkyard, Dangerous Toys, Dirty Looks- great bands.. get lumped in as ‘hair metal’ just the same, even though they didn’t do the look
I like the early Glam 80 – 83 and the late glam 89 -92. I also like thrash metal and NWOBHM. I consider them similar in the early 80s.
Metal today is too nice. It does not offend anyone. There is no social commentary and if there is any, nobody cares, there is no shock, unlike modern Hip Hop and Rap.
I think Hair Metal with Men looking like women pissed off a lot of Christian people.
Teenagers want something that is fun or a high-status role model (Money and Women) or something that will make their parents uncomfortable. The best would be all 3 which hair metal had.
17 is not creepy. Girls 15-17 years old, regularly date and sleep with guys 5 – 10 years older.
It is the peak time for women to have fun if they want to, as they are most attractive and can have most guys they want (Highest Status)
The Sweet & early Alice Cooper had some glam elements in their wardrobe. Ratt & W.A.S.P. were gritty, so was early Motley Crue. Dimebag Darell of Pantera was called Diamond Darell in there glam metal days, and played more complex guitar licks than he did in the 90's. …. G.N.R … I don't quite know what they are. They're their own thing.
Hair Metal is not Glam Metal.
I like Trixter. I said it
Bro you can have an open mind without lending credence to every bad idea and genre out there. First you support MGK, then you say hair metal has some of the best songs of all time, full stop. I agree. Full stop. I can't put up with this
Oh and not only that, you crap on the indie scene because "They don't stand for anything." You just like bad music and try to find ways to make it not bad music.
Def Leppard and Guns N Roses were the two greatest hair metal bands of all time . The best hair metal album was Def Leppard's "Pyromania" because it's timeless and it sounds incredible .
Hair metal has been my sh!t since early childhood; I promise you I will love it til the day I die, and give zero fuxx who has anything to say about it!!!!!
Metal has become less popular for the very reason that there are bands that are out there right now that are fuckin terrible bands. I know 100s of local acts I'd pay my good money to see than the acts I've seen on festival / US / World tours.
The past 20 years has not seen a generational band. Other than a band like Slipknot or Otep, I can't think of many!
For those that wish Def Leppard had released another album between Hysteria and Adrenalize….they did……sort of. Phil Collen produced Australian band BB Steal’s album “On The Edge”. It would have sold millions under the Def Leppard name.
I still unapologetically love hair metal!
Guns N Roses isn't hair metal. Appetite is heavy metal, hard blues funk rock.. Only a slight under tone of hair metal feel cause it has an 80's sound. GNR was grittier than the other glam bands at the time. They separated themselves from the pack. Use Your Illusions aren't glam metal at all
The answer is yes lol
Electric Callboy and Steel Panther keep the flame alive!
I was never a huge fan of glam era style but enjoyed the music but it seems they had more going for them in those days then how things are going today in the music world. The 80s were definitely a magical time in human history. I'm glad that I witnessed the era.
Mostly crap. I didn't listen to most of it in 80's and I still don't. The second wave is especially bad. For the record most of this is not Metal.