It just keeps getting better… introducing Rainbow Clusters from The Dopest Shop!!!!
Im super stoked to introduce these to our line up….we all love gummies…we all love nerds….perfect combo!!!
Thank you all for watching The Ultimate Edible : Rainbow Clusters
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Dope As Yola
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Like the video. Love your products.
I just got some rohbot edibles 500 mg
Anyone know if they hitters still haven't tried em
I don't smoke but I like this guy's vibe hopefully he goes on Joe Rogan I think that whould be sick asf
U smart mf i see why u said reuse the bottles u really smart ash i been peeping ur business tactics lately
20:07 you know he’s high af cause he started tweaking after eating that peach ring
Will the pre rolls and dispos make me fail at home test???
I fucking love you vids yola and I love how A guy like me in Georgia with strict ass weed laws get fucked up in my room
i dislike mango too
Been talking to you about crypto for years now… Glad you getting on board fam.
When you buy these product do you ship to the uk
Ppl that have tried this and smoke real weed everyday do the dopest products get you high i wss thinking about trying edibles but idk how tha high would feel for me
awww shit yessirr we smoking good still need a classic og flavor
does your gummys or pre-rolls ever go on sale??
Need all this shit shipped to the UK man. Fuck.
14:30 idk if I'm high but whole screen shakes
Hi! I was just wondering what kind of strand is it? Sorry usually I get edibles from the dispensary for anxiety but wanted to try something different because I no longer like the flavors. Is it alright to purchase online?
wow… someone finally made nerds gummy clusters edibles and its you.. thats really cool
Give me watermelon kush plzzzz

need stuff with chocolate terpenes + drinks
this man really goons and up copywriting the word dope
nah bro…… cause you gotta get skateboard decks in the shops.. push trees or sum..
legal in the uk?
I want
@dopeasyola we need your shop in canada pls
I made it 17k likes!!