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The strange history of Evanescence and vocalist Amy Lee, including:
* The early years of Evanescence, including “Origin” and “Fallen” and the departure of Ben Moody
* Evanescence’s breakthrough with “Bring Me To Life,” then “My Immortal” and “Call Me When You’re Sober”
* Amy Lee’s influence on nu-metal, gothic metal and goth fashion
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0:00 Intro
2:27 The early years
8:41 The secrets to their success
11:51 Was Evanescence a Christian band?
16:02 Their influence & impact
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The Punk Rock MBA
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Evanescence was one of my gateway bands into metal along with Creed. I never considered them nu-metal, though.
Had such a crush on her
I remember hearing My Immortal when I was deployed overseas and bought the entire album. I fell in love with the overall sound and since then I have been a fan of Amy Lee's projects. Some of my favorite songs are not even ones that they play on the radio. Lost in Paradise, Haunted, and Farther Away just speak to me. And I wish they would release Origin again. Away from Me is how I have seen myself in some parts of my life. Where I feel overwhelmed and almost loathing what I had to become to get this far. Where I just want my wife to take me away from it all. It is Amy Lee's art, but she is doing a disservice to her fans by not showing her "origin" of her musical vision. It shows how far she has come with her talent and storying telling. I went to her concert on her Synthesis tour and it was the best show I ever seen.
Evanescence was part positive goth. Not the unholy type
I’m 23 when I was young YouTube jus came out and I would watch DBZ edit videos and bring me to life would always be the song I feel in love with the song and it made me become a fan
Fallen is an iconic album. You can't say otherwise.
I love her
I’m glad you made this video and gave the credit to Evanescence they’ve always deserved. But I just gotta say, I’d be interested how some of your viewpoints and statements would differ with more in depth knowledge about the European scene. This is an absolutely American take on the representation and rise of Gothic and Symphonic music. Still doesn’t take away from the influence Evanescence had in America, just that influence was far less in Europe.
Amy's voice is searing and then so soothing. She is also one fine lady. GO RAZORBACKS. Unless a man is BORN AGAIN he cannot see the kingdom of God said JESUS. John 3.3, 33-34- If you are not BORN AGAIN then DO THIS NOW! You Must Have the 2nd birth for heaven. Otherwise, go place your hand on a hot stove and leave it there. This is a feel of what hell is because you can never take it off! Revelation 13, 20.10.
I started listening Evanescence and now Nightwish is my favorite band
AMY LEE and their music is so Classy!
more classy than jazz music…
origin and their pre-fallen music is my favorite <3 ben moody and amy lee made a great team
Evanescence absolutely got me into goth/symphonic metal. The Open Door single-handedly got me into my goth/emo phase when I was a teenager. It sucks that it’s taken people this long for people to appreciate their music, but better late than never.
God, I felt like I was the only one who thought Evanescence was slept on. As someone who has been singing for years, her voice is absolutely breathtaking.
I don't think I'd necessarily call them a one hit wonder but their first album is by far the best album. The later albums were still good but definitely once Ben and Amy broke up both were never the same. Amy needed Ben and Ben needed Amy. Sad how it fell apart after being at the top
I like evanescence Amy Lee is good but I’m more of a fan of their instrumentals I got the chance to see the band a few months ago I was blown away they did a great job and played so smoothly I would go see them again
When you say about getting so many people to listening to rock music, I can really relate, as I am one of those people. 'Bring me to life' was everywhere when I was a kid, even in Poland where I live. This way I heard this song in a normal "pop station" and afterwards changed to listening to rock stations. Besides, my brother had this song on his computer labelled wrongly – the Name said it is Evanescence ft. Linkin Park (don't judge, these were different times, especially in former communist countries). Ths way I started to listen to LP as well thanks to Evanescence.
Right now Evanescence and Paramore are still my two favorite female-led bands. And I don't know whether I would ever start listening to rock if not for 'Bring me to life'.
I was already in my 30s when Fallen came out. Immediately a fan. Definitely in my top 2 favourite groups.
Music, lyrics, voice. All amazing.
Bruh she's just a GODDESS man. Even her new album still hits
Thank you for the respect of the self title album because God it's so good
You’re right, Evanescence did open the doors for me to explore the symphonic metal scene, which I’m a huge fan of now. I wasn’t even into rock or metal when I first heard them, but they got my attention with their dark and haunting sound, and the unique idea back then with a girl in a rock band. Anyway, I’m so glad I found them 20 years ago as I found my passion in music because of them
Let’s keep it 100. It’s sexism. Amy’s angelic vocals were not accepted by rock fans.